Does this sound like Perimenopause. Please help!

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Hi.I'm after some advice if what im going through sounds like Perimenopause.

ve been reading the posts with great interest after searching symtpoms that are driving me crazy.. My nan and mum both had early menopause I am 32 nearly 33 and didnt think could be hormones as young and being totally dismissed by GP, untill I saw a segment on this morning detailing similar symptoms... I have a long list of physical ongoing symptoms since Aug so over 6 months now..

are the symptoms of peri ongoing like this? My sysptoms are daily and the headaches are daily.

There are days or several days I feel ok (not as bad) then it hits again.. The DRs have prescirbed me anti Ds which I cant take as i am too sensative to meds so at the moment having accupuncture and councelling for anxiety.

This all started in Aug on a hangover, I had been having hot flushes but I drink allot due to the nature of my job and put it down to that and since stopping alcohol they seem to have subsided however i do get warm and sometimes think ive got a temperature normally in the upper chest area butthis doesnt happen often.

in Aug i was watching tv and got this wierd sensation in my head like it was shutting down, its hard to describe but like my brain was stopping I went to a&e and they said i had a pnic attack this happened a few times then the headaches started and ive had daily headaches since.. mri, eeg clear, all bloodtests clear, urine and chest x ray clear.. since then ive had various panic attacks, muscle twitching, a rushing feeling through my body and now they way it manifests itself is that I feel ill all the time, i cry and complain.. how do i feel so ill.. like a virus, im tired allot, i tire out just trying to speak, im an outgoing party girl and i dont feel like going out at all, i notice not often but sometimes my speech is odd like i have to think about it, also not often but does happen i walk into a room and cant remember why im there, my headaches are worse in the evenings, i feel faint, allot more so when i feel ill and if i have a panic attack now i feel as if im going to faint, im dizzy allot even at night and lying down and can feel faint all day blood pressure ok i suffer derealisation, anxiety, frequent urination worse at night it feels uncomfortable, i did also have a cyst on an ovary about 6 months ago and this went away on its own. i feel completely fed up and like i just want to go back to how i felt before all this..

I dont feel the Drs have helped me at all and ive just started accupuncture and am seeking therapy but even when i suggest the symptoms to ppl they seem unsure as there wasnt anything to trigger the anxiety and my physical symptoms are so ongoing and severe

Does anyone considering my family history think this could be peri and how do i get a definitive answer, i notice someone suggeted hormonre sticks.. i currently have the contracpetive implant and im going to get this out on wednesday so have no idea how my periods are

please help im so sick of feeling sick and getting me down, I really do feel that ill for 6 months now


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Nixnix,

    Glad you had quite a few tests to rule out anything sinster. That's a huge relief even though you may not feel quite well. Please know that you are not alone.

    Much of what you are mentioning sure does sound like Perimenopause which you say your nan and mum both went through early as well. Sometimes GPs aren't very educated when it comes to these matters. Is it possible to see a GYN to help you through this time. Believe me, even some of them are utterly clueless as well, but you may get lucky to find someone to help you. 

    Sometimes Anti-Depressants can help you with some of these symptoms during this time. I was on a short course of Sertaline (Zoloft) and while subtle, it did really help take the edge off of the extreme anxiety and help me to motivate to find other things that would help out. I know it seems the docs hand these things out like candy when all else fails, but they can occasionally be helpful. Simply a thought. Some people do better with HRT therapy and others with vitamins, supplements, yoga, accupuncture (which you are already trying) and other methods to curb some of the inevtiable odd feelings.

    I know I should totally give up my coffee (bad, bad bad the amount I still drink, trust me!) and I imagine it would really pretty much help settle me down some more. I have improved quite a bit over the past few months. I try different things I learn on here. You will too. Just remember, this is temporary, not sure how long for each of us, but this does eventually settle down.

    Wishing you the best,

    Annie xx


    • Posted


      I can't take the Anti Ds as I'm really sensitive to meds I've tried 4. I think id cope better if I had the headaches & dizziness under control. Will def make an appointment to see the gynae.

      Just feeling so ill for no reason feeling like I need answers

    • Posted


      Sorry that Anti-D's are not an option for you. They aren't for everyone at all nor is any path, you have to see what works best for you.

      Perhaps the GYN can find a suitable way to help you get the headaches and dizziness under control, certainly not a fun way to  go through life. This is not a one size fits all fix, nor are the symptoms. Some people glide through this time and others like us have blips that until we find ways to lessen them, life can be a bit uncomfortable.

      Annie xx

    • Posted

      Ohhh Annie I was drinking too much coffee as well.  I need it to start the day but I was drinking it all day haha for energy.  So I bought some decaf blah and I mix it together in a thermos...1 cup of decaf and 1 cup of the glorious normal coffee to wean off it.  I also started to drink tea instead cause it has a lot less caffeine.  I was feeling sooooo fatigued but since I drink less now I actually have more energy.  Go figure.  xxoo
  • Posted

    Ok, this website dit it again and I lost everything I had written, so again...

    Nix, it sounds very much like peri, for me.  Or this hormone stck you are using is messing with you (?). As Annie said, once you have had tests and nothing is wrong, it is probably what this is.  It is difficult to find a doctor that knows about that, it looks like they learn from their books and their books do not say about that :S, so be prepared to be looked as you are crazy and to have more tests - what is good, too. The symptoms change over time, like phases, well, at least for me... And finally they get less limitating, too.  But for who does not know what it is about, it is scary.  Good you found this website.  Kepp reading, you are going to find good advice in here.  Be positive.  Big hugs.

    • Posted

      The more I hear the more I do think it could be it certainly had had DRs baffled the headaches are the only constant the other symptoms have presented themselves differently over the months like they are evolving .. This is the worst I've felt like I've got a virus's d so much head pressure and I'm sure that's to do with the anxiety as well
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      I also have really sore eyes like there bruised & they very dry in the mornings ??
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      Nix, I do not want to overwhelm anyone with the huge list of symptoms I developed in the course of one year, but I had it all.  And that includes dry eyes and much more.  Use a good eye moisturizer, avoid the cheap ones, like Visine, take lots os Omega 3, the one with high APA and DHA - as per my Optometrist.

      About your headachees, I met a lady about 2 year ago who had a terrible time with that. She was tested for everything, spent days in the hospital and in the end they told her her hormons were "messed" - ring any bell?! I was not in peri, and did not about this website, otherwise I would know better.

      Funny you say about dry eyes, I noticed that if my eyes are dry, my joints bother me, too. Other thing you need to know, dry eys make your underlids puff :S, so keep them well moisturized and you will look beautiful too.

      Keep in touch :D

  • Posted

    Oh I feel for you such a terrible time you are having.  The ladies are right you need to see someone who knows what they are talking about.  I too have had probs with Docs even though my blood test clearly say I am in meno.  They insist my symptoms that are very similr to yours are a virus....they are not!!!! I have anti sickness from the Doc and vaginal none estrogen cream to help the bladder area and I take supplements too.  I also use the lady care magnets.  I had a dodgy day yesterday but over xmas I was bed ridden twice.  I feel what Iam taking takes the edge off things.  I take ginseng Rainforest Macca, vit B, multi vit, Vit C and Cranberry tabs.  Seems to help.  Keep on posting on here because you will get support as you can see and advice.This forum saved me from completely going crazy!!!!  Good luck.XXX
  • Posted


    I have had all the same symptoms as you, I was in my late 30s when I

    started to get the symptoms but didn't start going to the doctors till my

    early 40s as I was getting them nearly every day then.I was referred to

    the nurse who was excellent,she told me all about peri and recommend

    vitamins for me to try, my blood test came back fine so I have to go

    again in a couple of months for another one.I still suffer daily but some

    days are worse than others, the tiredness is bad,some days I could sleep standing up. Finding this site saved me from going insane and I'm sure

    it will help you to.

    Take care


  • Posted

    Awww bless just know you are not alone. I get these strange muscle jerking sensations in my body too usually aware of them at night. Heart racing anxiety attacks, the list is endless...its only now that i am learning to live with them after what seems like years...

    Hope you start to feel better soon..

    Hugs x

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