Don't know if it was Anxieties

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I don't know what happened this morning but while I was making a stool my whole body had a weird sensation through it then my hearing went for a few seconds which really scared me. Then after that I was having stools like crazy with my hemrroihds acting up. 

Has anybody ever gone through that while making a stool. 

Feeling scared after this morning. 

Just not feeling myself eithercry

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Susan

    I have heard that passing a stool causes blood pressure to slightly drop, resulting in feeling light headed which of cause makes your hearing a bit weird. I have had bouts of this recently & it's mainly going from sitting (on loo!) to standing! I don't feel like myself at the moment either!

    Have your blood pressure checked if you haven't already. Just remember you are never alone but make sure you've told your Dr everything.

    Sorry not much help but am hoping that just by talking it will help you.

    Take care x

  • Posted

    Sounds just like an adrenal flare. 

    Were your adrenals checked, cortisol, etc?

    • Posted

      I am getting my adrenal and cortisol levels checked out on the 15th when I get my thyroid checked. Also I have only been taking ativan twice a day and a 1/2 if needed. I am on Losartan which is a blood pressure pill and my vitd3 and a multivitamin. My doctor knows that I am not taking my zolft because of stomach issues and my trazodone. I was only on a small amount of that. 

      Then I take my thyroid pill before taking my morning meds. 


  • Posted

    YES!  i felt like i was going to pass out twice a couple months ago.  each was just after a real bad flushing episode and i felt like "I have to go...NOW!" and so i did, (tried), my ears were ringing, my legs felt like noodles and... nothing.  so, I stood up and whoa, dizzy, feeling like i would pass out. 

    since finally figuring out that it's perimenopausal, i've had a lot less anxiety.  i still get that tingly feeling in my legs before going, but i do some deep breathing and remind myself, it's the hormones.  have you tried supplements??  evening primrose, 1000mg 3x day; magnesium; calcium; b-complex; fish oil??  I take prenatals as a multivitamin.  i've recently started sage tea.  it's supposed to be good for menopausal symptoms.   you're really okay; it's doesn't feel "normal", but do a lot of research about the symptoms and the ways to relieve them, and definitely come here and ask lots of questions.  this site has helped me soooo much. 

    • Posted

      Where can I research what happened how can I look it up about the dizziness, with my hearing going, then after that stools and urinating all morning with hemrroid problems 

      It really scared me. 

      Could you please help me find where I can research this please

    • Posted

      google search "menopause symptoms".  they are all there.  some are mild, some severe.   dizziness, ringing in the ear, hard stool, loose stool, stomach issues, frequent urination and bladder issues are all symptoms of menopause; and many more symptoms.   if you are really scared i would suggest going and talking with your regular doctor and  gynecologist. 
    • Posted

      are you taking your thyroid meds 4 hours before other meds??  not taking too close to taking calcium, iron, magnesium or mutivitamins?   it also sounds like you have anxiety issues.  this can be a major factor in how you react to these changes which can be very scary.  i'm prone to anxiety myself;  just talking to my sister tonight (she's stubborn as hell and it makes my heart rate go up trying to talk through her issues) has got me all worked up.  so, i'm sitting here trying to deep breathe my heart rate back down.  we need to remain calm through this stage.   
    • Posted

      Acually i took my multivitamin to close two hours later after taking my thyroid medication 

      Now today only took my vitd3 1/2 an ativan a lasartan which is a blood pressure pill two hours after my thyroid i am waiting until after dinner to take my multivitamin. Then I am going to start cutting the 1mg tablet of ativan in 1/2 and take 1/2 in the morning, 1/2 at lunch 1/2 at dinner with my multivitamin and 1/2 at bedtime and if I need an extra take 1/2 if needed. this will add it up to 2mg tablets by cutting it in1/2 Yes I do have a lot of anxities in me thats why I take the ativan 


    • Posted

      Yes I was really scared after yesterday, never had that happen to me to where my hearing goes and I become dizzy, I think it could have been the pasta sauce and parmasean cheese I put on my noodles Thursday night that could have brought on my IBS symptoms badly. 

      I am just going to eat bland foods no pasta sauce or tomato sauce on my noodles and no cheese either. Just going to eat bland and a little at a time. 

      That seems to help with my stomach 

    • Posted

      well, yes, the ativan was the giveaway...  my point was that women who are prone to anxieties end up having a worse time.  so, if you can find a way of relieving your anxiety by learning deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, walking, etc, but first and foremost get INFORMATION (as much as possible), and these changes get easier to deal with.    p.s. at my last visit with my endocrinologist, he gave me the list of things NOT to take with or too close to your thyroid meds.  it's okay to take your bp meds and ativan with, but no vitamins, including d, calcium, magnesium, etc... the longer you hold off on food and vitamins/minerals the better.   just passing on this bit of info because i've been taking thyroid meds for YEARS and was never told any of this. 
    • Posted

      I have to hold off on my vitamin d because I take that 2 hours after I take my thyroid pill and my multivitamin I am switcing it back to after dinner since that has everything in it. 
    • Posted

      that was the SAME THING i ate before my episode 2 months ago.  i went to the er thinking it was a heart attack and they told me it was gerd.  i think it was stomach issues set off by hormone fluctuations.  now i eat smaller meals and not spicy at all.  occasionally i can have a slice of pizza, but i make sure to take my stomach pills (protonix) and eat before 7.  if i eat later than that i run the risk of hot flushes and anxiety.   hey, i lost 20 lbs, even with hypothyroidism.  smile
    • Posted

      Thats great, I lost weight myself down to a 193 from a 207. 

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