Don't know what happened today

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I've been having the dizziness that comes and goes but today I was sitting outside on the steps it wasn't even 10 min I had this very intense head tingling pressure come over me and I felt really dizzy I started panicking and my husband helped me in the house it passed once I got inside. I ended my cycle today not sure what this was or what caused it I checked my bp it was up some I'm assuming from me panicking. I didn't get weak or numb in my limbs or anything. Cause I was panicking thinking I was having a stroke no headache or vision changes. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? It was so quick it came over me and was very intense and I felt really dizzy. I seem to feel ok now I've had a full heart work up alittle over a year ago everything was fine. My labs was good three weeks ago

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, I've had the same. I describe it as weird head feeling... it's horrible and scary.

    Hope you're ok x

    • Posted

      Yes it's very scary now I'm worrying and praying it doesn't happen again,is it hormone related?

    • Posted

      I think it definitely is hormone related.

      Hormones do very strange things to our bodies. You only have to read some of the accounts on this site to realise this x

  • Posted

    Do you think your blood sugar was low?

    I get weird head zaps, dizzy, feels like adrenaline rushing.  Lately headaches. Ugh

    And sometimes that silver glitter rain happens when I’m outside. 

    I do think it’s all hormone related. 

    • Posted

      Haha! Who the heck knows? Sometimes when I go outside it looks like it's raining silver glitter. I have no idea why I see that. So many whacky things happening to me in the past two years. Now I just chalk them up to perimeno!

      And yes, your sugar can drop, even if you aren't diabetic. Sometimes it can be a carb crash too. When you got the feeling had you eaten anything?

    • Posted

      I had ate earlier ham,egg and cheese croissant maybe an hour before that happened, I do know that I've experienced a lot of scary things since this stage of life has hit me. As I sit here thinking I can remember when I got bad severe hot flashes they we're so bad my head did this exact same thing but I was extremely hot as well and nauseous. This was just the head thing by itself no hot flashe at all maybe it is hormones I hope it doesn't return.

    • Posted

      If you had eaten then it wasn’t your blood sugar.

      I’m guessing it was hormones. You’ll be ok. I had about a week of vertigo, then it was gone. 

  • Posted

    It's happened to me at work while on the computer, it's a weird dizziness ( I suffer from vertigos) lasts about a few seconds, and then subsides. I thought it was scrolling too fast but it is very scary. I didn't even correlate that to my cycles, I'm just starting now to look back at all of these symptoms...that I secretly thought were life threatening, maybe were/are cycle related.

  • Posted

    I don't know if my sugar was low can that happen even though I'm not diabetic?

  • Posted

    Hi Pamela... These are a constant for me... I developed migraine headaches since I atartein menapause... They scared the life out of me when I first hit them but they eased.. It comes and goes with me... Keep hydrated. Its crazy this menapause.. CK 😜

    • Posted

      Thanks I been drinking more water lately and Powerade since its been getting hot out. Yes it's very crazy

  • Posted

    I started this a year ago. While at computer. Scrolling. Brain zap. Dizzy spells, weird sensations. One thing morphed into another. Mych better now but still get slight dizziness here and there. Had ents, neurologists, and a lot of stuff. Ended up with health anxiety. It could be vestibular issues like neuritis or migraine, silent migraine, all very hard to diagnose. Eventually I had an MRI done twoontgs ago, to " calm me down". It did the opposite as it lead to a battery if scary tests. All clear but they did find a benign tumor in my head, which they say DOES NOT cause the dizziness!!!. It needs to be monitored every few months. Been through hell. But glad it's nothing serious.

  • Posted

    I’ve had this a few times for years, a dizziness that comes from nowhere, it panics me, but it’s been happening for so long that I just think it’s just one of those things.
    • Posted

      Did it make your head feel tight and tingle? That is what scares me the most with it
    • Posted

      No just dizzy, but I have had the tightening and tingling as a separate issue, again it started many years ago when I was in my 20’s, I’be always put it down to anxiety, I get anxiety all the time, but putting it down to menopause which I’m still in after 12 year haha 

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