Don't know what specialists to see next
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Hi all,
Current medical conditions - mild asthma, hayfever, IBS, folic acid deficiency
I have been experiencing the following symptoms for about a year:
Persistent inflammation in intimate areas and worsening allergies- itchy skin, sore eyes, coughing, sneezing , sore throat etc despite taken daily prescription antihistamines. Symptoms only occur 7-10 days before menstruation and more recently in the 2-3 days leading up to ovulation. Also experiencing more mid-cycle pain in the last few months.
Menstrual periods are normal, 28 day cycle, no noticeable changes in flow.
I had a bad case of thrush last year. GP has just been treating me for that. Thrush treatment leaves me in agony as does the moisturiser given to me by the gynaecologist who said I had atrophy.
Seeing GP again tomorrow and not sure what specialists to see next....endocrinology, dermalogists/allergists or back to gynaecology?
Any help massively appreciated
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moon53540 jen60667
Are you on the contraceptive pill? If it is hormone related, I would probably see a gynecologist.
jen60667 moon53540
No, not on the pill. Have seen a gynaecologist and they were useless, just gave me cream and sent me on my way. No tests or anything. Everything to do with menstrual cycle as such is normal. No change in flow, still 28 day cycle regular as clockwork.
moon53540 jen60667
Have you got a new pet? Or changed any washing powders/gels or bath products? Are you taking any tablets that you may be allergic to, herbal or prescription? Think about anything you have done differently since the allergy started, even stupid things like getting a new plant, changing something in your diet, an air freshener or being in a room that has recently been painted. Maybe even an item of clothing you wear.
jen60667 moon53540
Absolutely nothing new at all. Don't have pets or plants at all. Don't anything herbal at all. No air freshners or painted rooms. No new clothes. Have used the same washing powder for years. Don't have baths, only showers and I don't use anything fragranced or perfumed, only emollient type soap substitute.
Only meds I take are asthma inhhalers, antihistamines and folic acid.
I've always had allergies, mainly hayfever but things suddenly got worse about a year ago. Nothing has changed except allergies now worsen every month with menstrual cycle.
moon53540 jen60667
how long have you been taking the folic acid for?
jen60667 moon53540
Around 3 mths but my symptoms haven't worsened or changed since I started taking it. Don't have much choice but to take it as super deficient as don't absorb enough from food due to IBS
moon53540 jen60667
Have you tried cutting gluten from your diet? If not try for a month cutting it out to see if you may be allergic. I was thinking about coeliac disease maybe. Ask your doctor for a test. Or get a full allergy test.
jen60667 moon53540
I already know I'm gluten intolerant but I have a non-coeliac gluten intolerance. Drs appt this morning yielded nothing but more standard bloods and more creams