Don't know what to do
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Having been scanned and the specialist told me I have 2 fibroids which was the reason I was bleeding so much, He put me on the list to have a D & C ( which is the taking away the womb lining) so that there is no chance of having another period
?I have had my pre - op assessment, but the thing is I haven't had a period since the beginning of December, I went to see the dr to ask her advise but she told me to go ahead but to me it seems a waste if there is no period. What do I do?
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shaz3004 caroline114
sophie76397 caroline114
Hi Caroline - honestly I would suggest a 2nd opinion - it does seem like a drastic measure to me. Lots of us have fibroids on this forum - I have 3 - they are around 2cm - how large are yours? Yes, it does cause heavy bleeding but if yr in peri/meno they do shrink over time and you haven't had a period since December - see how the next cycle is when it happens and take it from there. I have scans on mine every year (just had the trans vag pelvic one) and they are still there but getting smaller - in the past I've had huge ones which had to be surgically removed. I would try and see another gynae for a 2nd opinion - good luck
liz67338 caroline114
Hi Caroline I would also definitely recommend a 2nd opinion. I recently read that taking natural progesterone can reduce fibroids maybe that's something you could discuss with your specalist?. I ended up having a full hysterectomy 4 years ago due to fibroids that had grown to a huge size...if I knew then what I know now I would have been able to argue against it - I also truly wish that I had gotten a 2nd opinion at the time. Good luck with everything.
Sochima822 caroline114
If you've stopped bleeding chances are that your hormones have settled. No need then for a d&c . I had one done when I continued bleeding 16 days straight with no stopping in sight and my fibroids could have been a part of the reason, other being that I was in the beginning stages of perimenopause. I would cancel but if you start to bleed for more than 12 days then see your doctor.
Lotti1966 caroline114
D & C is awfully extreme. Get a 2nd and maybe 3rd opinion. Drs are in such a rush, not thinking about us and our futures.
Guest caroline114
I would follow my heart on it, if all is well why stir the pot just a thought 🤗
gailannie caroline114
Caroline, I agree with everyone here. Fibroids shrink after menopause because they are no longer getting any estrogen stimulation. It is very cmmon for woman nearing menopause to have some heavy bleeding with clots. And many women have fibroids but don't even know it. Unless yours are very large, I think it's a reach for your doctor to tell you that your heavy bleeding was caused by these fibroids.
Also, there is a huge difference between a D&C vs an ablation. Ablation is where they completely destroy the lining, usually done with a laser beam, and that's where a period is no longer possible. My cousin had this done. I'd certainly ask about any procedure they are suggesting, so you really know what they are suggesting.
But with your cycles slowing, spacing out, and nearing menopause, I'd look at yur options. This may be totally unnecessary.
caroline114 gailannie
gailannie caroline114
Lotti1966 caroline114
I'm 2002 my Dr suggested ablation. I opted against it. 2015 had a hysterectomy. I was fine without the procedure all those years.