don't know what to think

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Been back to doctors to see if i can get stronger hrt he did give me them but dont think he wanted to Went to see lady doctor a week be for she gave me vb6 which has help abit she said i was not peri but this doctor said i was sore him first time i went so dont no what to think

Paula xx

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi paula

    Not having had any blood tests to confirm or otherwise whether I'm in peri, I think the more I read about peri/menopause, the more I understand that readings are pretty hard to confirm as hormone levels fluctuate so much (tell me about it!). 

    I also understand that a lot of women try quite a few different HRT meds before they find one that works for them. 

    I think most GPs ask you loads of peri questions to ascertain whether you're peri or not.  I've only ventured to see the Nurse Pract'r once (last Sept) and had some bloods taken to check my vit D levels (I was moaning about aching joints).  But her first course of action was to prescribe me SSRIs - 'Happy Pills', which seems to be a bit of a standard approach now.  Nah, not for me just yet: I still quite like swearing, ranting and moaning a bit too much cheesygrin!

    I'm more concerned about me ol' bones TBH as my dear mum (RIP) had to have 3 hip replacement ops and also had TB in her bones a couple of times over 48yrs (nasty). 

    I suppose I'd better drag my sorry ar*e back to the Docs to tell her I haven't touched the 'happy pills' and won't; ask for a blood test to check my levels; see the results of my other blood test and see where we go from there. 

    Truth is: I hate taking meds, always have. I've only just given in to taking some menopause-related vit supps as the aching in my shoulders & elbows has got a bit too much to bear since Xmas.  I have no idea what I'll be given, but I know bu**sh*t and fobbing me off will not be on my prescription.  I want something to stop me feeling like I'm bloody 90!!

    Good Luck with the Vit B6 Paula.  I remember taking it a few yrs back but found it made me feel a bit anxious, which surprised me as it's supposed to calm you down!  (Not just me tho' after reading of a few others on here who felt the same.) 

    If I were you, I'd stick with the Male Doc: think they might be a bit more sympathetic to us woman, and besides, he wouldn't give you HRT if he wasn't convinced you needed it!

    Let us know how you get on with it all - Ain't it great getting old?!!mad

    S x

  • Posted

    A lot of the time these doctors respond to us based on their opinion. One felt like you were, the other said no. We know our bodies a whole lot better than they do.
  • Posted

    Different doctors have different views, even in the same GP practice. This only causes confusion and makes us more anxious. It's so hard. I think the menopause confuses doctors and there is so many differing views on HRT and so much different research they are equally confused. And then there's so much conflicting research!
    • Posted

      Tankyou i am geting confuses i thinkthey think that i am just anxious x
    • Posted

      Very true Matron. There's different views on here too such as

      pro/anti HRT generally.

      All I know is that I think we should all read up as much as

      possible about what to expect during Peri; see what

      types of meds/treatments available to us; ask to see different

      Docs if get a negative response from one in your Practice, and gives things a chance to work before saying they're not right

      for you. Most meds need time to do their work I suppose, plus most need 'tweeking' to get doses right etc.

      Believe that SSRIs are being dished out as a standard

      treatment now. Not for me for personal reasons. But I bet every other woman of 50+ we pass on the street is taking them =big business for the Drug Co's!!! Maybe when I'm totally losing it,

      I'll change my mind - who knows? But having seen my

      mentally-ill sister respond to them - both positively and

      negatively - I know they're great for her when she uses them

      propely - but just not for me right now.

  • Posted

    You know HRT is not really good. Why put more hormones in your body just to stop symptoms of peri. Our body is going through the changes and our hormones are lowering and thats why we are going into pei menopause and menopause. 

    I feel that HRT should not be given to ladies over 40. 

    This is my thought on HRT 

    • Posted

      If as you say you shouldn't give HRT to any woman over 40 then chances are it would not be prescribed at all. The Royal College of Gynaecologists approve HRT for women over 60  providing the lowest dose possible is prescribed. Without knowing every woman's medical history and reasons why HRT is prescribed you cannot make such a statement. We all have choices and women who choose HRT are well within their rights to request a prescription. All HRT does is replace the female hormones lacking in a woman's body.
    • Posted

      But if our hormones are lacking as we get older why replace it with more HRT. This is how I feel I know that I do not want to go on HRT at my age I just want to do this the natural way. 

      Other women can make their on decision and I'm not going to stop them, if they want HRT for their bodies thats their decision but I know in my heart the only hormone pill I am taking is for my thyroid because I need that for the rest of my life but low dosages of HRT for me at my age I do not need. 

      God made our bodies and as we get older yes our hormones go down and this is what God wants our bodies to do. 

      Think about the ladsies who had to go through menopause and they did not have HRT at the begining of life they had to suffer. 

      This is just my opion on how I feel about HRT, but if it works for other women my age and older thats good, then keep it up if you girls need the HRT then. 

    • Posted

      Remember HRT is sometimes prescribed for medical/preventative reasons as it was in my case. Doctors have a huge responsibility when signing those prescriptions and have to justify the reasons for continuing to prescribe HRT. In other words there has to be a medical reason for the prescribing. 
  • Posted

    Oops! Have tried to reply to yr post but the moderators have me!

    Might have been along the lines of "Go back to yr GP (male) ..... don't take any BS etc". Maybe this message will post!

    Good luck Paula

    • Posted

      Thankyou been to doctors 9times 3where for bloods just so tierd of feeling like this and them not helping makes it harder paula

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