Don't like being on my own, usually so confident
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Hi Ladies, have any of you whilst suffering peri become so anxious that you don't like being on your own. I don't know what has happened as I'm normally such an independent happy person. If hubby is going out I get someone to come and be with me or I arrange to visit a friend. Have any of you lovely ladies had this and overcome it or did it pass. I'm 56 and still peri ????xx
2 likes, 20 replies
maria101 deborah_37796
Hi Deborah Anxious is my name because I want this madness to all stop,I live on my own ain't easy but I get through it each day
I use to be like you happy and bubbly person, now I'm venerable and find it hard to go out far in my own
I have been going through it for couple years and find it all over whelming at times
Symptoms will go and come until they stop altogether
I know there is light at the end of the tunnel for us all hugs xxx
deborah_37796 maria101
Hi Maria, you must be very brave having to deal with this living on your own. Like you i feel vulnerable, like I have no confidence, I'm having some CBT counselling but it's not helping much. I hope this time next year it will all be a distant memory, I don't know anyone else personally that is having such a rough time. I know there's lots of us in this club, I wish there was more support in our local areas. There's nothing at all, I think it is very bad. My Doctor said there used to be a meno clinic but it closed !
charlotte89738 deborah_37796
Hi deborah..I'm the same thought I was going have that must be the peri are not on your are you on Facebook. .xx
flo52770 deborah_37796
Hi Deborah, you're not alone. I am at times so anxious that I can't concentrate while driving. O how I miss my old me???? but I'm comforted knowing many ladies here have been through this path and made it. Together we will sail through! Be strong and wishing you better days ahead darling!
unico31026 deborah_37796
Sochima822 deborah_37796
Hi Deborah, like all things peri, it passes but not fast enough. I ended up taking St. John's wort because although it went away for a while, it came back worse, where I couldn't drive by myself. Macca is also good for this. It will help you be on your own again if you take any of these two.
jamie50513 deborah_37796
You are not alone. I get so anxious that I never want to be alone. If I have to drive somewhere, i'll talk on the phone the entire time just so I can feel like I have some company. I have started venturing out alone but stick close to home. I too was never like this. I loved being alone and having piece when I wanted. But this Peri and anxiety have taken me to another place. I just hope I don't have years of this ahead.
Brevis deborah_37796
Hello Deborah
I could have written your post! I am a jittering wreck every morning as soon as I hear the front door slam and my husband leaves for work. My kids are both at uni and I have had to give up my job due to ongoing problems with my neck and back. I have lost all my confidence and am SO anxious and wobbly. It's such a relief to know that I am not alone! I am still peri (53). Thank goodness for this site!
deborah_37796 Brevis
Hi Brevis, thank you and all for your replies, it is comforting to know we are similar in some of our symptoms. Whenever I ask the doctor if something is due to the meno she or he says well I've never heard of that ! Which doesn't make you feel that reasured. Hope you have better days ahead, I've read that once we are post menopausal that phase is amazing- can't wait ??
charlotte89738 Brevis
Hi brevis.bless's not a nice feeling..sometimes I feel I'm going crazy. You are not alone..xx
Brevis charlotte89738
sebrina3123 deborah_37796
I had this when I started menopause a year ago I didn't want to be by myself ft lime something was going to happen to me this lasted about 4 months now I'm much better. My doctor put me on an antidepressants which help my anxiety I still feel like something is wrong with my heart I went to ER twice in days thinking I was having chest pain they kept me overnight I did a stress test and ace it but I still feel like I need to see a cardiology but I keep telling myself it the menopause.
beebop deborah_37796
deborah_37796 beebop
Hi, thanks for your kind words. I have to say since my post about 4 weeks ago I am much better. I am fine when be alone now, I'm driving again too ! I can only put it down to the HRT and some therapy. Both have worked for me, I'm not back to as I was totally but I'm getting there. It will pass as everyone said, you have to work through it with the love of friends and family and it will get better x
colleen90305 deborah_37796
deborah_37796 colleen90305
Hi Coleen, I'm on Estrogel - you rub it on your legs or arms, you have to have it with progesterone tabs as well ( 7 days a month) your gp can explain I'm sure. I tried various HRT tabs but couldn't get on with them. I do feel so much better after 3 months on this stuff !! I hope you find what's right for you- it's horrendous I know xx
colleen90305 deborah_37796
I haven't started the progesterone pills,yet, and afraid it will a long time with trial and error. I just want treatment now. I was also given synthroid for daily use, no cream though