Down the rabbit hole
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My newest health obsession is my neck. I hurt my neck by twisting my head and shortly after I had my first migraine with aura. Ironically, I was looking left and squinting when all three of my auras happened. So, there must be a connection...right? right? As I have droned on about on this board, I have many visual disturbances. What's the healthiest thing to do at 5am when you have been awake for two hours due to adrenal surges, that's right, scour the internet. I am now convinced that my slight neck injury is the root cause of all of my symptoms. Why do our addled brains do this to ourselves? Why can't I obsess about cleaning the house or better yet....going back to work!
I'm usually not into pseudoscience, but has anyone tried EFT tapping? It might be hokey, but I tried it a few times and I do feel a bit calmer when doing it. At this point, who cares if it is a placebo.
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Shana_P staci88515
what is EFT Taping?
staci88515 Shana_P
I'm not sure if we can post links in this forum. It is basically saying an affirmation like, "Even though I have anxiety, I deeply and completely accept myself." Then, you tap on different meridian points on your body such as hand, above your eye, corner of your eye, cheek bone, under nose, chin, clavicle, below armpit and top of head. Like I said, it is alternative medicine, but I swear it is relaxing. I'm sure it is no different than any other relaxation technique, but the tapping works well for my nervous energy.
sharcerv52408 staci88515
Hi Stacie,
I feel your pain, literally. I have pain in my neck sometimes to the left side and then on the right. I get those migraine auras too. My sleep is thrown off by my kids who wake up several times during the night. Then I can't get back to sleep during the day because I am not a day sleeper.
By the way, what is EFT tapping?
staci88515 sharcerv52408
Sharcerv, that doesn't sound fun at all. I don't know how you ladies deal with feeling so awful and have to raise children. Thankfully, my dogs like to sleep! I injured my neck by sitting down and turning my head. I heard this weird noise like my skull slipped slightly off my neck and got this weird distinct pain. How old do you have to be to hurt yourself while sitting!!!
I explained it in a reply further up, it is basically a relaxation technique that uses an affirmation and tapping on various meridian points on your body. It takes less than 5 minutes and it really does relax you. I think it also helps to get rid of nervous energy. I find it hard to focus on deep breathing when I am nervous. I think the tapping takes your mind off of breathing, which helps to relax. I don't know the rules about posting links, but feel free to look it up!
sharcerv52408 staci88515
Thanks I will.
sharcerv52408 staci88515
Yes it definitely has been horrible for me having to go through these symptoms and deal with young children at the same time. Then on top of it my husband can be insensitive and inconsiderate of my needs too. He thinks everything is about him sometimes. He has his good traits too don't get me wrong but sometimes I wish he was more patient and understanding especially during this difficult p
staci88515 sharcerv52408
I understand. I am on the opposite end. It is just me, myself, and I. Which is worse? Pros and cons to both, I suppose.
shannonmairs7 staci88515
I honestly think that my neck pain is one of my very worst symptoms. And it spreads to a headache, which makes it extra crappy.....Sorry that we all are going through this.
BUT STAY OFF DR. GOOGLE!!!!!! Hang in there!!
staci88515 shannonmairs7
Thanks friend! I wish I could remember how I dealt with things before Google?!?!
mauiblue shannonmairs7
Hi Shannon and ladies out there.
Ive lived with intermittent neck pain for years. As ive gotten into my early 50's now, its getting more manageable. Now i sleep on my back and im a firm believer in chiropractic. Everything - most everything, pain in the neck etc. comes from muscle spasm, compressing nerves etc.
In my late 40's it was the source of sooo much stress, headaches all the time.
Between tooth pain and neck pain/headaches, life was soo much fun during peri.
Now in hindsight i know it was partially due to the hormone fluctuations, but also i found i had degenerative things going on on in the neck.
If you can get and xray and mri you can figure out what is going on.
I am a believer in chiropractic.
If our spine is not aligned or off in anyway, it will speak to us, trust me.
Now postmenopausal i get to deal with anxiety and dark depression, of which i never had prior to meno. (this trumps the physical stuff for me personally)
But carry on weary soldiers for each day is really a blessing.
shannonmairs7 mauiblue
I have always been one that carried stress in my neck, so I am "used" to it too, sadly. I like chiro and LOVE massages. I also believe regular exercise is huge, not only for these aches and pains, but all of the meno nightmare!! Oh the joy....
shannonmairs7 staci88515
I can barely function without google, but damn, there are some scary things that could be killing us, as opposed to meno!! Medical anxiety, which I have never experienced until this fun popped into my life is terrifying and our best friend Dr. Google really adds, lol!
staci88515 shannonmairs7
Why must exercise be the answer to everything? Why can't it be naps and cupcakes. Dr. Google is like a bad boyfriend...I just can't quit him.
staci88515 mauiblue
Maui, I recently started sleeping on my back which I never used to do before. I definitely think it helps with neck issues and I think it helps with my severe TMJ. I guess it gives me a more relaxed jaw position???
Guest mauiblue
I am 43 and suffering terribly from headaches, especially around my eyes, tooth and jaw pain, dizziness, visual issues and left sided neck pain is so bad atm too. I hope there is an end to this nightmare, it is so tough. I go to the Chiropractor for my neck too and it seems to help a little. My mum was post menopause by 44, so I am sure that I am suffering hormonally. I seem to follow her patterns as she had bad acne as a teenager and so did I, though her peri symptoms dont seem to be as severe as mine. I have sadly developed chronic migraine and it is so debilitating. I just hope that at some point I go back to how I was before, or even just close to that would be fine. My anxiety has taken over and I am so tired and struggle with everything I do. Thankfully I am on holidays after today, so some time to rest, but I'll still have to keep the kids entertained! Man, no one ever told me that motherhood and being a woman was going to be this hard.
Guest staci88515
I get severe TMJ too, I have a feeling it has something to do with all of this as well. I did a lot of reading on it and apparently it is linked to hormonal issues and is most common in women (isn't every horrible health issue!) I also read that it can affect your vision too, so I suspect that it is playing a part in our visual and migraine issues. We are just the lucky ones in this perimenopausal pod who have head/neck/jaw/eye issues. Then there's the dizzies too. Aren't we just the lucky ones...not!
mauiblue staci88515
I had also always slept on my side until 9 yrs ago and now thats how i sleep. In the early morning hours i can sleep for a bit on my sides but mainly for the neck its the back.
It helps to align your neck in the natural position. make sure you are using a pillow thats malleable so you can make a little indent or hole in the middle to cradle your head. your head is in a natural position, with the curve.(this is how i do it not telling you what to do)
It probably is doing the same for your jaw as its all connected. Your jaw can rest in neutral.
mauiblue Guest
Jen jen
it seems like all sorts of pain like syndromes crop up during this time in our lives. Its all real, although one might think they are imagining it or those around you think your nuts.
Our nerves are so intertwined here from our teeth to our neck to our jaw to our shoulders etc. We get unexplained pains (upper body)pains that are just crazy making.
I had tooth pain for so long, i had a root canal done, which failed because i was in constant pain for 2 months. Finally i just gave in and said "Pull the tooth" so they did.
Im suppper sensitive my teeth and neck etc. Its just how im made up and the perimenopause didnt help.
Now in menopause the teeth have subsided a bit but ironically just today i had my teeth cleaned and the dentist said there is a little decay between two molars..greattt. now its sort of hurting there now that they dug around. So yes i get so much anxiety around this stuff mainly because i lived with it for so long an it can be post traumaticyyy... 😕
be reassurred that its just how it goes with the hormones, but nothing sinister is going on, just stay on top of it like you are.
staci88515 Guest
I know we have chatted before. When I get my menstrual migraines, my jaw is so tight and painful. It sounds like crunching a bag of potato chips when I open and close it. I always wonder if my jaw causes my migraine or my migraine causes my jaw pain. Sigh. Who knows!!! My mom always told me that the injuries I had in my youth would be worse when I got older. I guess I should have used two hands to ride my bike when I was twelve, instead of using no hands and crashing into a tree breaking my jaw. Maybe I wouldn't be dealing with this now. Darn my stupid twelve year old self!!!!
staci88515 mauiblue
Two months?!?! Geez! I have only had one episode with tooth pain prior to getting my wisdom teeth removed. It was one of the worst pains ever. I don't know how you survived for two months. I agree that peri/meno makes everything more sensitive. I slightly bang my leg now and it feels like I have been hit with a bat. This all just stinks so much!!!!