Dr. Appt today!
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Finally! The pro-gest cream has helped a little..had a melt down last night told DH I can not do this marriage anymore(5th time I told him I was done) I actually feel like dr Jeckle/Hyde..God, he is used to my melt downs but I know he hurts everytime I say things like this. Sleep is evading again last night 3.5 hours. I have tried aleve pm since the joint pain is bothersome and for one night I did get 8hrs sleep but the next night again taking the aleve pm..not a thing. Have I mentioned that I am 7 months smoke free! I wonder if the chantix halped my mood because after stopping the meds 4 months ago..bam! Life is out of control..anxiety is so bad. No sex life at all, DH has a stressful job also..I have gained 30 lbs and hate myself just trying to get through each day. I pray that this new Dr. Is going to help me figure out WTH is going on with me. Thank you ladies for all the helpful info being shared on this board.
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Guest Testy
Good luck Testy! Stay strong at your appointment! Write some notes so you do not get sidetracked 😀
Testy Guest
Brain fog being one!
Nancy2121 Testy
Testy Nancy2121
karen10682 Testy
Hi I am going through this also . Told my husband I want a divorce then when I came back to my senses worked things out. It's like a roller coaster for me. I can't get nothing done in the house just not motivated and tired all the time. I work part time and that is a struggle. No sex life for 6months now. I worry he's going to go somewhere else. He doesn't understand what I am going through . I have an acvupunter treatment today just so desperate to try anything to get my life back. This is not who I am. You would think they would have something for this phase of our life 5,10 ,yes is way tò long to deal with these symptoms robs us of our life. Sending hugs and if you find anything that works for you let me know. ?
Testy karen10682
I too work part time so I have time to do housework but I'm weird because it calms me😁 or reading or lawn work. I am one of those people who can not relax no matter what. My mind never shuts down! I used to drink wine to relax but didn't want to become dependant and couldn't take with the chantix so i quit...maybe that bottle in the fridge is still there.....
kelly55079 Testy
I know it's not funny BUT I just had a melt-down too... I was so livid that I told him off and sent a couple emails about what I think. He's got some things to work on too but blames me and expects me to do more and work more hours at work.. I literally can't and need help around the house, I'm not 30 anymore!! Last week I was up 3 nights in a row from 2-5 for whatever reason. And the last few night I've been in bed at 11 but just feel wiped out!! Maybe it's aniexty that is doing this. Also on my period which is SO HEAVY so my sleep is interrupted as well. But I understand why there are so many divorces around this age.
Testy kelly55079
Nope not laughing. With me I am 46 and haven't had a period in 8-9 months. We laughed thinking at least I wouldn't get pregnant...if I only knew what I know now. Wiped out also...no sleep can't even lay down to nap in the afternoon...anyone else that way...I just can't sleep!
Guest Testy
lori93950 Testy
Testy lori93950
lori93950 Testy
Guest lori93950
Hi Lori, I am addicted to watching 90 day fiancé. I see so many middle aged women and older chasing around these “ studs” from other countries...that could be their children! I watch it and am sad for them. These are relatively sane looking women, capable of making sound decisions. I honestly think, my god, some of these women have flipped their lids! But, no...they are just lonely. Men choose the 20 year olds because they are obviously trying to regain their youth. The difference is...the women really want that commitment.
lori93950 Guest
Well I’m one of those ! At 49 I had a 24 year old boyfriend for a year ... I know I know too young maybe .
I wasn’t loooking for a boyfriend and it just happened and yes he was stunning ! I just used to look at his beauty 🤣
We had fun for a year but too controlling and jealous.
Now I’m not interested in anybody just don’t have the energy with my illness .
Guest lori93950
That is awesome Lori! You were a cougar!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
sn21848 lori93950
I don't think the age gap relationship is that unusual any more and many women I know try out an age gap relationship at least once. I have a friend whose been with her husband over 20 years and they have at least 13 years difference and he's the younger one. Her first husband was not a nice guy.
I don't think age gap relationships are pitiful as long as both treat each other respect, are in agreement if they want casual or serious and that they treat each others as equals. I've been approached with let's do dinner sometime, etc. from younger men occasionally but I haven't taken any of them up on it. I don't do casual well so I don't pursue it. All seemingly nice men. They really might just mean dinner.
The honest truth is by the time we get to 60( I am 57) there are 4 women for every 1 man so either you luck out and find someone in your age group or you have to go younger.
lori93950 sn21848
sn21848 Guest
Lou I just took a peak at that show. That's scary and from the few videos I saw the younger guys are jerks. I think a woman or a man who is interested in someone younger has to be completely aware of the younger person's motives just like a younger woman or man need to be aware so they don't get used by an older adult. It can go both ways. I've seen older women engage in casual relationships and then basically talk about the guy like he was nothing. A few times the younger man would get attached after a while. I think if a woman is going to sleep with a younger man she should at least like the guy as a human being.
Guest sn21848
Oh I agree 100%...I watch that show and the women that are getting with the jerky guys..I think, wow...you had to go online and look abroad for someone? We have plenty of a******s right at home...so much wasted time and energy! I dunno... I am 41 and married 19 years 😊
lori93950 Guest
kelly55079 lori93950
Yes, I agree with that. I have a few friends who are single and they get very frustrated at times. No doubt I will stay married as I don't think I would be strong mentally otherwise. I just try and get out with friends as much as I can and I'm content with that! : ) In February, I'm hoping to go away someplace warm without them so that will something to look forward to as well!
lori93950 kelly55079
Guest lori93950
Never been one for the dating scene! Met my husband, we got married. Pickins were slim even when I was in my 20s... I could smell a jerk from a mile away! Besides, all 4 of my brothers were alive back then...god help anybody coming near me! 🤣