Dr. don't believe symptoms are peri-meno
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Took the advice I saw on here and asked for total bloodwork work up for symptoms of, headaches, extremely tired, achiness, hot at night, can't sleep, nausea, moodiness. Estrodiol came back at 30. Progesterone was ok. Dr. tells me I am not in peri-menopause - I am 51 - said he isn't sure he believes there is such a thing! and proceeds to ask me if i need an anit-depressent?! Guess it is time to find a female dr. who can correlate, as my GYN of 30 years obviously doesn't understand the process. Anyone else have this issue happen? So thankful I found this website to know so many other women are feeling the same symptoms I have.
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angieB48 mimi65544
Sounds very familiar! Took years to be taken seriously and only after I paid privately to see a consultant and showed my GP the results! I still feel I'm treated with a pat on the head when I go in!
sheena4572 mimi65544
I feel your pain. My doctors still don't believe me even though my FSH level is 16 and I'm got loads of symptoms. I've had various tests and nothing wrong so I believe it's peri menopause but my doctors are not only ignorant to the subject but unsympathetic I'm in process of changing GP's and I'm hoping I'll get some sort of support.
I trust my body now and if I feel crap I rest, I try to eat well and take a good multi vitamin and I have a bloody good cry whenever I feel like it and I come on here regularly to gain knowledge and advice from the lovely ladies on here.
I send you love and hugs and hope you find a new understanding doctor soon x
gema57497 mimi65544
Guest mimi65544
Yes, I'm 52 and apparently not in perimeno either according to my gp and endocrinologist. However a hormone doctor and new GYN said I was.
Did you get an EBV test?
ImagineOneDay mimi65544
Very familiar and very annoyed with ignorant GPs! 😲
Guest ImagineOneDay
I think they honestly don't even know what perimeno is. Probably think we mean meno and since we aren't yet meno that's why they say no.
jude84900 mimi65544
Hi mimi65544,
Some female doctors are no better. They follow the same protocols. Most have not studied enough about menapause and what it does to women. They follow the status quo of what they learned in med school. I too had a female doctor. Thought she would be more educated into this topic afterall she was a women in her 40's but I hit a brick wall too. They don't like doing any HRT and best she could do for me was tell me eventually my body would get use to the detteroration that was happening. That was not an option for me. I had already done my own homework and found a holistic dr that was very up on bio identical hormone replacement. You have to find a doctor that has studied and knows the right treatment to help women through this stage in their life. I have been on BHRT for almost 2 years. Feel wonderful. I too went through peri for 10 yrs. Yes, Peri is real. So is our declining hormones during this time. When our periods end our hormones that kept us sane and healthy are at the bottom.
kim60737 jude84900
I couldnt say that better myself!!! 👍🏻
lynwell14 mimi65544
sheena4572 lynwell14
I got my bloods taken on the 3rd day of my period and it showed an increased FSH level but most doctors don't really have enough experience or are generally not interested unless you've missed a period. They only believe in menopause not perimenopause which is sad for us women suffering.
Ginny05 mimi65544
My symptoms started when I was 38, I am now 46. I have been back and forth to my GP many times as I feel ill 90% of the time with symptoms like yours. I have had numerous blood tests done including the FSH one, all come back normal. The FSH hormone one I have had done twice in the last 8 years, the second one was last year and as I said both came back in normal range so GP said not menopausal, I have seen both male and female GPs and both were as bad, infact the male one was a bit more sympathetic. I asked if I could have my hormones tested separately i.e. progesterone and oestrogen but he said they don't do that. The last GP I saw said he doesn't even bother with the FSH test as it is so unreliable! I just keep being told I need anti depressants. I am normally a sane, sensible person but feel like I am literally losing it sometimes, I do the most stupid things and my moods are all over the place. Does anyone else feel like this? I just want to be normal again but it just feels like it will never end. It is good to read others stories as you realise you are not alone and your symptoms are very real and not all in your head. I have just started taking vitamin B6 as read on one of the other forums on here that it is very good at regulating your hormones, only been taking for 4 days so early days yet. Has anyone else benefitted from taking B6? Hope you have better luck with a female GP.
Take care
kim60737 mimi65544
Azzumi mimi65544