Dream weaver....
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Let's talk dreams, ladies. I'm 47, been dealing with peri for about 2 years in a big, rotten way. About a month ago, I started having dreams. Weird dreams. Crazy, acid trip dreams. From the minute I close my eyes, 'til I wake up in the morning, dreams. Not bad or scary, but definitely wierd and some are creepy. I am waking up several times a night and wondering what the hell that last one was all about, only to segue right into another. No new meds, nothing has changed..just all of a sudden with the crazy dreams, all night, every night. Even if I try to nap during the day...it happens. Please tell me this happens to someone else so I know it's not a brain tumor or something else that I will Google and scare myself with. xx
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jamie50513 acsorenson
I stopped googling because it scares thr crap out of me. I don't need any help with bad anxiety. I am the same way. I have been having some really crazy, and vivid dreams. Like you, no matter when I fall asleep the crazy dreams are there. I hate it. I wake up every hour on the hour with this madness.
sue976 acsorenson
yes me too I have some really weird dreams, some ok but Some really off the wall ones, I have found the really weird ones do have me waking and I'm wet with sweat, I am the same age as you 47 and started with all this stuff 2 years ago, for me the anxiety and panic about symptoms have been e worst for me xx
metamorphed acsorenson
Feel soo much better now for this ONE symptom. (still has loads of others, but this one is resolved for me) Hope it works for you all. take care
elaine33371 acsorenson