Dropping things
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I have been dropping things SO MUCH! Every day I drop at least 2 or 3 things. This evening as I was getting ready to put 7 new fish into my fish tank the bag they were in slipped out of my hand and splashed all over my office floor. There I was frantically scooping tiny neon tetra fish off the floor and into the tank.
My husband (kindly) mentioned it to me that he has noticed me dropping stuff a lot recently. I told him it was probably menopause. But of course now my anxiety is kicking in and I want to make sure this is indeed just this "lovely" time and I am not ill with some horrible deadly affliction that my mind wants me to think is happening.
Ugh! I just want this to be done.
2 likes, 10 replies
JReady64 NewfieMom
oh yeah!!! always dropping things..its like I have no grip or strength anymore.. ticks me off.
Shana_P NewfieMom
I drop things a few times a day. Usually Peri/Meno can bring out Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and you can drop things a lot. I hope this helps you.
Nettie261962 NewfieMom
All the time here too! Another lovely menopause thing!
Beverlys1 NewfieMom
My symptoms seem to come in monthly intervals,, I have been drooping stuff for 4 YEARS!!! but this last month has been the worst, when i put on my make up I drop every brush even when i tell myself don't drop this then i do anyway,, I used to be so coordinated, NOW I'M A SHAKY MESS...I do it in the kitchen, sometimes i do the double reach and still miss... its kinda funny when you talk about it,, BUT REALLY NOT!xxx
tamshac77 Beverlys1
You cracked me up! I'm always double and sometimes triple reaching!! I drop stuff and bump into things all day every day - used to be so coordinated. If it weren't for this forum I'd probably be depressed!
Beverlys1 tamshac77
Thank you tam,, I really try hard to make this time funny,, SOMETIMES IT WORKS!! I guess we should all try!!! XXXX
tamshac77 Beverlys1
You're welcome! I agree! lol
christine-Perim NewfieMom
oh my gosh. i drop everything now. i have mo hand strength. i thought it was just old age. (49) I AM AMAZING how similar we all are and FURIOUS doctors havent figured out how to help.
i have been doing daily research on how to naturally ease my suffering. maybe someday one of us will figure it out.
love to all my AGING LIKE FINE WINE sisters
sherri87081 NewfieMom
I used to be very coordinated too, but now I am just a clumsy mess.
pinkcatfairy NewfieMom
This happens to me alot! I am post menopause but i still have times when this happens!