Dull pain in appendix area
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Hi ladies,Has anyone experienced pain in the appendix area, but no appenicitis. I have been to doctors where appendix has been ruled out. I have had this going on three years on and off, seems more present at ovulation, right before period during and right after.When it aches it does seem to produce bloating and gassiness.
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robin86 Takingtime
Oh yes...terrible pain!
Guest Takingtime
Hi, yes...mine happens at ovulation too. it is my ovaries. a tender, dull ache feeling. spikes of pain too. sometimes one side will ache, then switch. had this all weekend...I did some cleaning and laundry up and down the stairs...heavy lifting makes it worse for me. also, constipation full bladder , sex. had ultrasound before...all clear. it is called mittelsmerz....some months hurt worse than others.
angela33631 Takingtime
I have this too. After a scan I was told I have large fibroids. Waiting to see gyn
Guest angela33631
hi angela...do you have any other symptoms (bleeding ) with fibroids... I get terrible back pain, with the ovary pain...but no flooding periods, etc. It has been a couple of years since my last ultrasound. regular pelvic check a couple of months ago was fine. just curious as I have wondered about fibroids!
angela33631 Guest
Lou I had a large fibroid 12 cm removed 5 yrs ago. It was between my ovary and bowel. I have been on hrt for the past year.
Periods came back. I was always lucky with periods as light and pain free. Now it is agony passing very large clots.
Initially thought it was hrt but ultra sound shows fibroids and drcsaysvit is not her causing it
Thanks ladies,I have had many ultra sounds and xrays over the last couple of years, and everyone has come back clear, not even a cyst. I do think there is a connection with the ovary as it seems worse at ovulation or leading up to my period, and even during. I so feel that there is like an air bubble trapped though, it can be tender to the touch, almost like a tightened muscle, but it can be sharp at times. I have had many physical examinations as well as ultra sound to look for inflammed appendix but everything seems normal. The osteopath I see thinks it could be the illeceal (sp?) valve, which would explain the gassiness I feel with it. It has been awhile since I saw her so I am going to see her this week she does a massage in that area and it seems to loosen up. I do have super tight pelvic floor muscles as per the pelvic floor physio therapist I see a few times a year, which explained all the other crazy symptoms I was getting, but this one feels just awful when it flares up. I have had the ovulation pain you are mentioning, but this is more higher up. I have had a stool sample done and it was clear of any blood and cancer. What ever it is it seems triggered with my cycle. It seems this time of life it is always a guessing game what it what and what is causing it.