Ear pain again

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Me once again, all the terrible symptoms ive been having along with the awful health anxiety has almost destroyed me. Ive had earache on and off for weeks and weeks, convincing myself ive got a brain tumor, crying with desperation fear and terror - well this evening my hubby had had enough and took me to A and E. .......crying and getting in an awful state in the waiting room I eventually saw the senior nurse who was so kind and comforting had a look and I have an ear infection, I kept asking if it could be something more sinister and she said no, so now I have antibiotic ear drops and I do feel better for going. Told her all about my symptoms, she agreed how devastating the menopause can be and ear infections are common along with other infections . For weeks and weeks ive been so stressed with this and now I know. Phew relief on that one, there are still all the other symptoms to deal with but at least that's one thing I can stress a little less about, I hope ! X

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh Lou you poor soul but I'm so glad you went and now you know it was an ear infection please now relax 😊😊😊you have been so worked up I feel for you but so glad you went xxxxx
    • Posted

      Thank you very much lovely. Yes I have been in a hell of a state about it, if he hadn't forced me to go I think they would have been coming for me with a straight jacket. I'm so relieved , even though I still have all the other symptoms at least this one has been dealt with........one less thing to worry over, I'm so tired with mental exhaustion over this, I know now ear infections are very common in meno. Hope you're feeling better xx 😉
  • Posted

    I hope you're feeling better. It's the unpredictability of symptoms that I can't cope with. Like you I ended up in A&E which I think was due to heightened anxiety and now I've got to have a heart tracing!! I've had so many people suggest HRT I'm seriously considering it
    • Posted

      Ah Tracky I know how you feel and yes it's the constant symptoms that are so hard to cope with. Anxiety can make our hearts thump so bad , I have it too, poor you its so hard to deal with. Yes HRT works for lots of ladies and relieves lots of horrid symptoms, I wish I could have it if I could I would. I wish you well and Hope you feel much better very soon 🌷
  • Posted

    That's good Lou, I'm glad you feel a bit relieved and reassured, it's a great feeling when you've got yourself in a state worrying about symptoms, I do it everyday.

    I hope you can relax a bit now, all the best


    Brenda x

    • Posted

      Thank you yes it's horribe but relieved. One thing less to stress about x
  • Posted

    Hi lou,

    I've never had ear trouble in my life but suffered twice in recent years.

    Oh does that ever hurt?

    The same as you given antibiotics which soon cleared it up.

    Antibiotics give me awful thrush and diahorea. If you take some good quality probiotics at the same time you can prevent that happening to you.

    • Posted

      thank you, Apparantly ear infections are quite common during this time. Yes thanks will get some x
  • Posted

    Its an awful thing the menopause, I've been through the same health anxiety issues, thinking I'm going to die. Why don't people tell you about what to expect lol. I'm now suffering from Vertigo
    • Posted

      Oh Liz vertigo is just awful, I had that a few years ago I just woke up one morning with it - Couldnt even stand up or move everything was spinning it was horrible, doctor had to come out and give me an injection it went on for weeks. Hope you feel better soon, have you got anything for it ?

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