Early menopause need some support!!!
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Hi all have just turned 40 and now been told by doctors I am going through the early menopause. Been having heart palpatations night sweats hot flushes anxiety mood swings etc. Would love to have other women in the similar situation as me contact me as have been very frightened of wats been happening to me especially the heart palpatations. Hope to chat to someone soon emms
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natalie86711 emma50975
Welcome to the lovely world of Premanpause, your not alone there other symptoms that will come don't be afraid it's all hormones, I always think there's something wrong with me it's all my health anxiety, every year it will be a new symptom and it freaks me out, this chat room will help you a lot .
Tammy123 natalie86711
emma50975 natalie86711
metamorphed emma50975
emma50975 metamorphed
Ty and no they haven't not yet as going through tests still also found a lump on my breast so going to hospital Friday to have tests for that to till all tests and scans r done they won't discuss anything further yet also am prone to osteoporosis as have osteoarthritis and it's in the family so suspect will need to get my bone density checked to
metamorphed emma50975
try not to worry about it emma, this time of life throws up all sorts of stuff for us to worry about. the worst part about all of this is that is it so necessary to have them test for everything, which can be so distressing. But if you, like me, were fairly healthy before this hit and like me had no real health fears, it is all just hormones gone wild. It's a pity though, that all the symptoms seem to imitate more serious health issues, but it is always best to get it all checked and then decide what to do for yourself to make you feel better and improve quality of life. It's hard, but try not to worry. hope this helps you.
emma50975 metamorphed
deirdre01438 emma50975
Hi Emma, I'm a few months off 35 and I think I may be in peri at the moment-although my hormone blood tests don't confirm it yet. I've had a lot of symptoms within the last year and 8 months. All my symptoms started within 2 months of coming off birth control pills. Anxiety and depression have by far been the worst symptoms. I wish you the best with this. I've been offered anti-depressants and birth control.
emma50975 deirdre01438
natallia04776 deirdre01438
Hiya, my symptoms rolled me in when I stopped to feed my girl from August and September just killed me. I didn't know what to check and where to start. My GPson thought I was mad, mixing all symptoms like that.
deirdre01438 natallia04776
Hi Natalia,
I just seen your response to Emma and I just wanted to say that I too had he sinus problems, hot sweat followed by chills and inflamed throats and lump in throat....I couldn't eat solids it was so bad. It's eased off now but I notice I get inflamed throats when my period is due. I've put it down to hormone fluctuations!!! It's awful.
natallia04776 deirdre01438
Hi Deirdre, I've just had the last appointment with ENT and luckily I am absolutely fine. I haven't even inflammed adenoids ?. So he tald me that even GYM can start sinus problems something to do with adrenaline and our hormones can cause it 100%.
When I had my throat. ...I've done so many tests I wonder now my GP doesn't want to see me.😕
deirdre01438 natallia04776
Natalia I've worn out my welcome at my gp's office too
we can't be the only women turning up at their doors constantly-I mean i live in a big town so I can't be the only woman going through the change!! I'm hoping that's what this is anyway. I've had every test going so I'm only left with peri which is what I suspected from the start.... it's a shame that it doesn't show in tests in early stages.
natallia04776 deirdre01438
Well, you do your tests. Because I have eaten 2 courses of antibiotics and they didn't work! Do you believe? ! That's why eventually 😕 only now I know why. I thought I was misdiagnosed I felt awful and then that Burning Mouth Syndrome. .. only yesterday I caught myself that I am free from it. Need to come back to my list and let the girls know.
Very supportive forum my love to all of you.
natallia04776 emma50975
Hi Emma! I'm 43 and was breastfeeding for last 3 years and all sweating, anxiety, my sinusitis were so bad, I had cold chils ( if it makes sense ), very inflammed throat , and feeling lump in my throat and Burning Mouth Syndrome for 4 month! !!! It seems everything is better but still 1 day between periods spoting and eachy belly and boobs hurting when I have periods.
1 thing has gone another is on the way.
What about your periods? That what worries me.