Early onset menopause ?
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Hi all,
Im new to this forum. I've been having hot flushes for 18 months now and they have intensified to around 20 per day. I have put on an extra stone in the past year, have insomnia and no libido. I've had a mirena coil in for 7 years with no bleeding. I've had this removed 2 weeks ago and am waiting to see if my periods come back. The Dr who removed it is a menopause specialist and reckons I'm in early onset menopause (I'm 45). She was quite patronising and really scared me. I felt pressurised to take HRT as she said I would be at risk of heart attack/stroke and even dementia! I'm in a dilemma - this was two weeks ago and still no bleeding. I hate feeling this bad and don't know what to do.
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Deborah5051 cheryl1970
beth86610 cheryl1970
You are entitled to a second opinion. No one should feel pressured in the doctor's office.
2chr2015 cheryl1970
Thanks for your replies. I've got a gp appointment next week to discuss everything as the sweating at night and insomnia is really bothering me (I work full time). I've taken a couple of those urine tests which both came up positive for menopause - does anyone know how accurate they are??
2chr2015 cheryl1970
I didn't even know they made those. I will have to look that up. And you sound like me. I just woke up sweating. And this is the 3rd night in a row of very little sleep. I am so tired!! That's why I am awake and on here at 3:00 AM lol