Ears now

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ok so back on the glucosamine sulphate and finally the pains in my jaw is disappearing but ears are ringing horribly - is this anxiety or real, Im wondering if im actually starting to lose my mind with all these things going wrong. Three years next month since my surgery and still no let up, when oh when will I feel better - or is this it ? if it is im not gonna cope knowing this is forever.

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34 Replies

  • Edited

    Awww Lou Im sorry you have this now. You are not losing your mind and this will not be forever. Just keep telling yourself it is hormones settling down. Praying for you always. Take care!
    • Posted

      Hi becky and thanks for reply. Im really seriously starting to think theres more going on , these symptoms are excruciating they really are. Had blood tests a month ago results ' as expected ' whatever that means. Have you felt like this with these relentless symptoms ? If so please can you tell me what symptoms you had. Thanks xx

    • Edited

      Hi Lou my right side necl and jaw are always tight. I also get the strange heavy, dizzy head feeling. I teally do think that this is all peri hormone related but if you are really worried make an appointment to see your doctor to put your mind at ease. This is tough for sure!
    • Posted

      Yes I get very dizzy too particularly in the mornings . I don't like my doctor very much he's very sarcastic and smug - our lady doctor is only there once a week for four hours and whenever I ring to make an appointment to see her she's booked up - I went to A and E a couple of months ago I felt so bad, chest pains and nausea, was kept in overnight - they found nothing, chest X-rays , blood tests all put down to anxiety. It's no wonder all this makes us anxious, all these rotten things happening are bound to send anxiety sky high it's hard not too xx

    • Posted

      Hi Lou make an appointment with the female doctor even 8f it is a month out, just to ease your mind. Your right all of these dang symptoms....no wonder we have anxiety. They say it gets better, fingers crossed that it does smile Have a great day!

    • Posted

      Lou, tell that doctor where to go, and find a new one. Some of them are irrogant and feel they above everyone. Tell him where to stick it and move on
    • Posted

      Hi Colleen you're so right some are arrogant and smug - he basically says ' what do you expect ' .......he was the one who misdiagnosed my ovarian cyst for constipation for six months despite it being 20cms x 20 cms, told me it was all in my head and I needed to lose weight ! X

    • Posted

      Oh gosh that dreadful! We only have one female GP at our practice and she's lovely, really listens. Hence, she is always booked for weeks. I have been tempted to book a few appointments, one a month, just in case I need it. As long as I cancel a few days before if I don't need it, I'm not denying anyone treatment, Am I? Or is that naughty!?

    • Posted

      These doctors go on making a lot of money misdiagnosing and get away with it! It infuriates me so much. These types of doctors need to be reported to the office of professions and rate them on their website if they have one.
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      Do it. As long as you cancel ahead, they can always fill the schedule
    • Posted

      Uugghh how awful for you - you poor thing if it's not one thing its anotherx

    • Posted

      Colleen, they don't care because they're not being paid top dollar to care. They're in a system that gives the patient basic medical services anything that requires the system to pay higher costs is usually denied. A lot of doctors misdiagnose, this is nothing new. It just means they lack experience.

    • Posted

      I'm going through this now, I've started using head and shoulders, and so far it's working to stop the horrible itch.

    • Posted

      Well if you have a work ethic, you go above and beyond. Some of these docs should not be doctors if they don't have compassion and lack empathy. If they have the brains, but no heart, perhaps another career would have been a better choice

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