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Helloo Friend

How r u all ?

I am in Peri ..suffering alot with soo many physical symptoms from 19 months .

But now from last month i become too emotional....very angry woman.....i start thinking of past and start cry become angry with things which i miss in life.....decision i made wrong in past....regarding my carrier... ...start blaming my husband that because of you i miss this..at that time your advise is wrong......then we start fighting..Donot know what going on with me ..every day i thought today i will be happy ....not think about past ..but donot know in eve same situation repeats....i myself is destroying my home peace ...

I think my nature is changed now..i become angry soo fast....i donot like anything in life.......become too emotional......full day think about past life...my wrong decisions.....What going on with me πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„..Thats not me

I know everyone is responsible for their decision in life.....I choose things myself..no one force me...earlier i was happy with my life..now i start complaining ..

Please give me advise ..How to tackle this ??


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Susania

    my dear girl, i know exactly how you are feeling. please dont give up and dont give in to this emotional time. i say every time, i have about 7-10 good days a month. On my good days i clean, cook, exercise, dye my hair, romance my husband, do laundry. on my bad days i reach out to the ladies on here, i rest, watch my favorite shows, read, and most important i try to not be so hard on myself. if my anger is getting out of control i whisper to myself BE NICE BE NICE BE NICE. many times i have to leave the room if somthis is to stressful. melatonin magniesium help a little.

    hang in there.


    • Posted

      Thanks for reply mam

      Trying me to cool down...increase my water intake...Try not to talk and think much

  • Posted

    Oh sunaina. Half the time I didn't even recognise that I was angry or down, I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it but apparently not. One morning I stood on my doorstep and screamed so loud at my husband that he nearly fell in a Bush. I never screamed or got angry before meno but it just takes over and its hard to control. I try meditation and deep breathing and sometimes it passes, some times not but it's about all you can do to keep hope and try and think that this isn't forever. Are you taking hrt or anything? Xxx

    • Posted

      sassy none of this funny.. But that was hilarious sorry but that made me laugh.. screamed so loud husband almost fell in a bush. Ha Ha Ha so sorry but so funny....πŸ˜„

    • Posted

      Peri change my personality mam..Earlier I was easy going person ..now angry woman....create issues in everything ...its not me..what going on with me ..i donot know...its difficult to tell myself that its hormones can do soo much change .

      Mam i am not in HRT ..i have migraine headaches problem..so Dr refuse me to give HRT

      Having Vit B12, Vit D and Vit E supplements..but i donot think theu works .

    • Posted

      It was a big bush!!! You're welcome to laugh at my story gypsy, little moments like that keep me going! I just wish you could've seen his face.... He looked like he'd never met me before in his life πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  • Posted

    Hi Sunaina I'm sure he gets it by now so don't beat yourself up over this we all get like this as you know... A lot of this stuff probably bounces right off our partners anyways.. They're probably thinking ok here we go again shes in her mood.. You could always just scream at him going out the door so he could tumble over into a bush like sassy almost did ha ha.. Just a little humor ladies don't beat yourselves up I'm sure they understand and if not they just grumble under their breath or yell back and walk away for the day no biggie ..

  • Posted

    Yes.. I had an emotional fit last night and this morning at spouse.. X-mas overwhelms me and yes this year lots of medical things going on BUT I think deep down I'm angry at spouse for not giving me the emotional support I need!! He's not a good communicator which I've known for years and I'm starting to resent to this.. I have no idea what I'm going to do!!

    • Posted

      Hey Kelly, I've said before my husbands a saint he got me some supplements that are really helping me but, when this first hit. He's so strong minded. I remember him saying "Nobody can change your thinking." I remember shouting back "Hormones out of whack can change your thinking!!!!!" Some say they get it but, most don't because they truly don't understand and have no idea what you are going through. Don't let your mindset drag you down due to that. I feel some people who can't fix things just don't know how to deal with them. Enjoy the holidays as best you can. I know it's hard. xoxo

  • Posted

    Hi Sunaina. It's all hormones and you have to keep telling yourself that. This drags up a lot from your past. It happened to me but, you have to fight it. For whatever reason it does that it does. I'm trying each day to make peace with anything from my past and I try to think each day. Today's a new day. The past doesn't matter. You have to slowly accept where you are in life. It's so hard but, you have to keep trying. I take an otc natural relaxant which is helping. If you message me I can give you the name. Melissa Lemon Balm Leaf works great for anxiety and a lady suggested ProEstro which I just got today and took them this morning but, they come highly recommended online for peri /meno. Walking helps, listening to music. I play on line games to distract myself or go get my nails done which is relaxing. Watch a good LMN Movie. That will take your mind off your problems! Hugs!!! Take the holiday slow and enjoy it the best you can!! You will make it through this!!

    • Posted

      Thank you sooo much mam for tips

      Your words motivate me ...will tey to follow ur words

      Happy Holidays



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