Emotional meltdown - it must be the menopause, not going nuts!
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Was so heartened in the midst of my recent 'personality change' to realise that the reason must be hormonal, as i had begun to think i was going nuts!I read a great article in the Daily Mail recently about a woman who found her usual strong self in tears in the middle of the supermarket for no reason- I get that feeling, but generally about work. I have always been positive and optimistic til recently, but suddenly everything seems to be getting on top of me and I am finding it hard to cope, when I am used to being so self sufficient and independent. My mum had hot lushes - I don't sweat but feel as though I am on fire from the inside at night, but it is the emotional fragility I can't understand. I have always been able to handle things, and now find my stomach tightening into knots over little things, and generally feeling overwhelmed. I was getting irate easily a few months ago, lacking patience - now I just feel out of control and a vulnerable mess who has lost her self confidence - not so good when you work in sales and need to train others to be bold!
I'd really like to know what natural remedies others might have - or is my only open HRT?
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I also found that talking honestly to other people, it's surprising how much the loss of confidence thing seems to be affecting others, but that like us, they daren't let it show. I hope, like me, you will have good times
between the not so good, and have some supportive friends and family. There are hysterectomies amongst
most of mine, which makes family comparisons tough....though they are sympathetic!
I think like you, I will look into natural remedies, as I also find my sleep patterns are quite disturbed, and I
never used to have trouble with that. Also, I have always had a pretty small bladder, but find I have to get up
in the night several times, as well as go pretty soon after I feel the urge these days, or suffer embarrassing
consequences! Ain't life fun sometimes? Anyone have any natural remedies that work, I heard about black
cohosh but it can have side effects?
Hugs back, we can beat this!
Black cohosh can affect your liver so natural/homeopathic doesn't always mean best. Have a look at a site called menopause matters!
What a wonderful site, and such generous people giving their histories and symptoms for us all to recognise, as well as remedies and developments.
The best remedy for me has been the realisation that I am not alone and not crazy, and that there is a reason for feeling this way! Happy Christmas to all menopausal women out there, we are a special breed - no wonder it's us nature decided to hit with this - men would never hack it!
I have all the same symptoms and have tried all methods to try and cope with flushing etc.
From evening primrose to sage and nothing worked. I have a high family history of breast
cancer so H R T was something I wasn't sure of. Now having done research and getting medical
advice I am on HRT and it is worth it to have my life back.
Good luck