End of Menopause? Any Butterfly's?

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Hello Ladies!!! This is a WONDERFUL site for sharing our symptoms. All 66 menopausal symptoms+.

However, any Butterfly's on this site who successfully completed menopause and back to a happy, energetic, new self???

All of us caterpillars are stuck in our cocoons suffering. Let's hear from you!! Jamie smile

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Totally agree Jamie, it would be so heartening to hear positive stories from post menopausians .....cmon ladies we need some hope.....been so down n crying for days...xxx
  • Posted

    Ditto - we all need some hope, pleeeeeese someone x
    • Posted

      Maybe they're ALL feeling SO good they're out traveling, careering, and playing and have no time for this Forum. wink
    • Posted

      Oh yes never thought of that, all dancing and singing and smiling all the way ! X
  • Posted

    Totally Jamie, sure these butterflies will be enjoying life instead of coming on here.....we can only hope a couple flit by to give us inspiration......hugs to you xx
  • Posted

    Hi jamie,

    Yes, there are Butterflies out here, I am one.  I did start a thread on here a while back called "Menopause Survivor" just to give you ladies a crumb of comfort for the future.  The hell of menopause doesn't last forever (it just seems like it) and life does get better.  It doesn't happen overnight but one day you'll realise that you can't remember the last time you had a hot flush or burst into tears for no better reason than you felt like it lol.  All the weight I gained and the bloating and ...well all those horrible symptoms have gone and I feel better than I have for years.  So take heart girls, the light at the end of the tunnel is not an express train racing towards you, it's the end of the menopause.

    Hugs all round xx

    • Posted

      Love your name lol...hope you got your medal too.....thanks so much for your post......gives us all the will to carry on.....looking. forward to getting my wings.....blessings to you xxx
    • Posted

      There is a goddess!!!!! I feel like a trapped cystallus for 10 years! Can I ask how long ( years ) before you flew? Did it get worse before it got better? Last year I still had symptoms but life was not as challenging as this year.

      You rock! Thank you.

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