End of periods?

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This is to the ladies that have had their periods stop. I am wondering if you all experienced bloating and menstrual pain just as if your period was coming but then it never did? If so how long did it take for the bloating to go away and did you feel better after periods ended? I am very late now and I swear I have 10 pounds of water weight and the pain is pretty bad. My period always brought relief but I think I may not get one this time. Please help! Im miserable.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    It's pretty common really. It's like my body wants to be normal but isn't. I have all the bloat that won't go away. I've had an occasional period (round of spotting) here and there, but I'm at 4 months without one now, and that bloat is ever present. I haven't tried anything for it, but I'm definitely open to it.

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      I dont think I will ever feel normal again. They say to excercise but its hard when there is no energy.

  • Posted

    hi i havent had a period since Dec and i still sometimes feel like im going to have one around the time i normally would - crampy pains etc so what you have sounds normal if you're at the same stage as me ie havent had a period for a few months. have you had menopause confirmed?l by GP?

    • Posted

      Yes I have. I just was hoping my periods would not end yet. They did bring some sort of relief. Now I feel like I wont have any good days at all. Thank you for answering.

    • Posted

      ive gone vegetarian a few months ago which seems to have helped with bloatedness so def consider looking at diet, ive also started taking multi vit and minerals with iron so I'm hoping a double wammy might keep symptoms at bay!

    • Posted

      I complain about being bloated but when i lost 30 pounds two years ago I didnt have the bloating. Now the weight is back plus an extra ten for good measure and I look pregnant again. Maybe its just fat. UGH

  • Posted

    Hi Kimberly,

    My last period was February. Still no period, but boy, I look about 6 months pregnant. My husband saw me come out of the shower and commented on how bloated I looked. Well thank you, that makes me feel just great! So not sure if that means I'll have another period at some point? I'd like to know if the bloating subsides once we are in full meno?

    • Posted

      So would I. I can take the headaches and the nausea but the bloating is horrible. Cant fit in my clolthes or breath good.

  • Posted

    yesssss ma'am!!! it get bloated and crampy type feeling just like im on my period.... feels like i have flu and stomach virus combined... motionsickness too... last about 3 days.... ive been keeping track since july.. seems like it always comes around the same time.. its like im on my period but with no blood!!! it scares me sometimes but it always goes away... ive read it called phantom periods

  • Posted

    I still have some pre period camps despite 3 years without periods. it is like you still have some sort of hormonal cycle, but not enough for bleeding.

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