Endoscopy tomorrow
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Finally better from my gastritis and my scope is tomorrow. I'm nervous as hell. Had to see my social worker today for coping skills. Frig. I have had a scope before and I know it isn't anything major, but I'm worried about what they will tell me they've found! I had a CT with contrast 2 months ago when I was having more issues. That was clear, so I shouldn't worry about the scope, right? CT would have found anything seriously bad, right? Coping skills are not fully engrained yet. Lol. Thanks, all
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Guest jennifer85442
Jennifer, I'm pretty darn sure that they will find nothing with your scope. I went thru all of this, the only thing that was ever found after all the scoping, scanning, mir-ing, and bloodworking, was my bad gall bladder, which was questionable, wish I wouldn't have had it out. If your gastritis is better then you are over that hurdle. Gastritis was one of my first symptoms when all the bs hit the fan. Are you sure you even need this scope?
jennifer85442 Guest
I don't think I need it anymore, but too late to cancel
And ruling anything else out might help my anxiety. Funny how no doctor thinks any of this is hormone related and yet here we all are... By the masses... All with the same issues. Things that make you go hmmmm...
Guest jennifer85442
Fingers crossed for you Jennifer! I started with stomach issues...To cover all bases...I had a CT of my stomach done last year. After, I had an endoscopy (on my birthday...not kidding) They found nothing. Finally, I had to have a colonoscopy a month after...also clear. I’m sure the only trouble you’ll have is the sore throat after! Take good care! 🤞😊
jennifer85442 Guest
sideways67 jennifer85442
I went another route when being diagnosed with gastritis. I had blood drawn and was diagnosed with gluten and numerous other food allergies. I’ve tried to develop a healthier lifestyle and gave up junk food and feel so much better. All the prescriptions prescribed by the docs caused too many side effects so I stopped those. I took numerous supplements to facilitate healing in the last two years, also. I feel better at 51 than 41. Both of my daughters and I have had the endoscopy and nothing was found. Polyps were found from colonoscopy as colon cancer took my grandfather. You be okay. Enjoy the sleep is what I always say!! 🤪
jennifer85442 sideways67
I will enjoy the sleep! It's the only kind I will have these days, lol. I will be changing many habits from here on in, that's for darn sure.
mauiblue jennifer85442
wishing you a quick in and out.
jennifer85442 mauiblue
louellen39047 jennifer85442
Jennifer85...I have had 2 scopings done now and *IF* there were ANYTHING sinister going on, you would have known by the CT Scan. No WORRIES.
Hysteroscopy is a VERY COMMON procedure that a lot of us have done. It allows them to see inside more clearly and even take a sample (for diagnostic purposes) so that they can see the lining more clearly. Relax (though I know we ALL worry about things like this and the "what ifs" hang tight in our heads. Please...just focus on this as just being another testing method where they 99% won't find anything significant or anything to be concerned about. It's all just "protocol" and...the scoping itself...is not worthy of this much angst though we ALL understand it and feel for you.
Be with me tomorrow as well. I'm going for a "pre-op" at my family doc's and she's really difficult and puts MORE into my already over filled brain! LOL.
You're going to be FINE! The TEST will all come out fine. At most...they'll have a good view of the interior of your lining and perhaps, a sample and it will be all ok! You've already had a good test. I'm sure this one will be ok too.
HUGS, prayers, thoughts and good energies XO XO XO
jennifer85442 louellen39047
Sochima822 jennifer85442
Jennifer, I'd cancel. The quacks your dealing with know absolutely nothing about hormones. Get a female gynecologist who knows this stuff and quit taking chances with your life doing an endoscopy. They're dangerous and if a ct scan found nothing then an endoscopy will do the same.
lori93950 jennifer85442
Good luck and let us know how you go on x
Donna23316 jennifer85442
Hi Jennifer, I had pancreatitis 3 years ago and in hospital for 3 wks. They were trying to find out what was going on exactly as the scans weren't clear. I was going to have exactly the same. They found out the problem in the end. When they described to me I said, "no way am I having that". The nurse said, "it sounds a lot work than it is, the key is to relax". I replied, and I "what if I panic? She replied," we can give you something to relax you if you are really anxious. So long as you've got someone to drive you home. You will be fine Jennifer, it will be over before you know it!good luck for today. Hope you Donna xxx
Donna23316 jennifer85442
sue86832 jennifer85442
I pray that everything goes well for you. I am sure all will be fine.
Can I ask, what are your symptoms of gastritis? I have been having pain in my upper abdomen that radiates to my back, between my shoulder blades. I also feel nausea sometimes. I have had a history of this and I have been taking 20mg of omeprazole once a day for quite a while. This time I developed symptoms while taking the omeprazole. If anyone can tell me their symptoms and what they are going thru, I would be so grateful.
Thanks so much
jennifer85442 sue86832
sue86832 jennifer85442
So happy to hear that all was clear! I have been taking Prilosec, but that is about it. Was there anything that you took that helped? Not sure if I should up the dose of Prilosec. This getting older is for the birds! I also find that I occasionally hiccup. I have horrible night sweats. At one time I tried hrt, but the side affects were horrible.
Once again, so happy to hear all is well!
Take care,
jennifer85442 sue86832
sue86832 jennifer85442
I have not been to a naturopath. We are kind if in a small town, so not sure there is one.
So they did not find inflammation, does that mean that it was not gastritis?
Thanks so much for letting me pick your brain!
jennifer85442 sue86832
No inflammation or redness. So yeah. Makes you wonder. I don't know if you can say brands on here, but not sure that is the important factor anyway. It's the strain and potency. And each relates to specific issues. If you have any local health food stores, they usually employ nutritionists or the like. The advice is generally good there.