Erratic Moods...
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Hi ladies,
I am 50 years old and still have regular periods with the odd spotting ever few months.
In the main I’m doing ok but I’ve really noticed that coming up to my periods my moods are awful, I am so argumentative, I had a full blown argument with a chap in a supermarket last week over nothing but I just wouldn’t let it go... I just don’t recognise myself, it’s horrendous. Afterwards I just want to cry... I feel I’m out of control.
I have been on citalopram for 10 years ( PND after my last child) and feel I should be able to control my temper but I can’t, I’m snappy, irrational and just awful, it has definitely been worse over the last few months and I just don’t know what to do.
When it’s past my periods I go back to ‘normal’ , I know I should be able to control it but I just can’t.. what is wrong me.?😔
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Donna23316 alice1209
Hey Alice, please don't be so hard on yourself. If you could control it, don't you think you would! No one wants to feel that that. It's really is depressing. As a woman, I know only too well! You say you've been on Citalopram for 10 years. That's a long time to be on the same medication. I have I could just be a case of changing the dose if you didn't want to change or changing your tablets. I can honestly say that in the past I've been on tablets that have worked really well to start, and after being on them along time I felt like I wasn't even on anything. And then you think, I shouldn't feel like because I'm on tablets. It happens. Maybe it worse around your period because women feel worse then anyway and men just don't understand! I will just sit back and wait for the abuse from men to roll in now ha ha! No, seriously, make a doctors appointment. You can, and will better if you do this. Keep posted, Donna xxx Girl power!
Azzumi alice1209
Hi Alice, I've suffered with very serious mood issues during peri menopause one being anger which is the one I try not to talk about because I find I'm almost ashamed of it. I talk about my depression and dark thoughts and anxiety etc but the anger is different. I've had a lot of trouble controlling it at times and sometimes it's just been impossible. I've been on bhrt for 18 months now and I'm a lot better. I still have moments but I can usually control it now or I can walk away and be alone for a while till it passes. I don't hear a much about the anger on here but I'm sure it happens quite a lot. Maybe it is something we'd prefer not to discuss..even though we should..
alice1209 Azzumi
Thank you for being so honest. Xxx
Guest alice1209
Hi Alice, i think what you are going through is not unheard of. I am going through perimenopause now. I am dealing with a lot, but I do not have the anger.
However, my mom did. I remember being young when It was just her and I left at the house. She had me later in life, my dad died before I was born, my brothers older and out of the house. She would throw things, scream, cry, swear and call me the most horrible things. I walked on eggshells not knowing which version of my mom I would encounter when i got home from school.
I now understand what she was dealing with, we have a wonderful relationship and i have never held any grudges. She did not believe in drs and never got help, she suffered for years. This peri/meno is so powerful. Good luck to you, have a good cry when you need it. This is your hormones. 😊
mary75120 alice1209
I've had problems with so-called MH issues ever since I began my periods at age 10. I was a mischievous though nice child, but really developed anger/ emotional issues post menarche. I flew into screaming rates at the drop of a hat, which from a calendar could be seen to be PMS-related.
I still get angry, although not always for stupid reasons. I am however convinced this is entirely down to hormones, and MH has nothing to do with it. Medication did not work for me.
I notice different behaviours in females depending on their age group. Broadly speaking, some can be age group specific.
My mum had a hysterectomy at age 40, and even though her period problems disappeared, she was seriously evil throughout her 50s (menopause?), and became even worse thereafter. My dad and I no longer communicate with her. Her anger was worse than mine, and she used to dig her long fingernails into one's arm, or use them to scratch people. Spiteful, and not very effective.
I've got rid of most of the anger related specifically to her, but addressing this whole batch of woman/ life problems is like unpeeling an onion.
reva31742 alice1209
Hi, I found I had that problem too. I'm 52 and on Effexor for PTSD and MDD. Have been on antidepressants for years after my last son was born 17 years ago. Your antidepressants can help, a change may be needed, but I also found this "Female Harmony" that has helped level out a lot of my hormones. Plus I'm on a birth control low dose that is helping regulate hot flashes and helps my mood some. But it was not helping during my periods. So thus the "Female Harmony". I went to a Nutrition Shoppe here in town which is run by a medical dr. and he recommended it. I felt lots of energy at first and then this is 2nd month almost ready to start my 3rd. month and just went through my monthly and hardly a bad word at all, I just realized yesterday. So that is great! That is only thing that I think is the real difference. Granted I wish I still had the energy that I started out with, but at least now the mood seems better during monthly which is definitely a plus.
Just wanted to let you know, may be a worth a try.