Estrogen levels going up and down
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I had my yearly exam last month on 7/27 and blood work done on 7/19.
My blood test came back good except for the estrogen it came back at 385 I am 54 and the last couple of years it was at 156,33,45. My doctor did it again and went down to 285. So he sent me to have a ultra sound and a tranvaginal ultra sound and it should a csyts on the right ovary and thickening of the endromaterial of 12 mm and I had some cyts in my uterus.
He sent to a obgyn and he did another ulter sound everthing stayed the same. I didnt care for him.
I went back yesturday to my regular doctor to get a diffrent referrl and he talked in to staying with the obgyn and talked to him over the phone will was there.
Here is where I am really confused My doctor did and other round of blood test everthing came back good and now my estrogen level is back down to 44. Why????
I have emailed my doctor this morning. I have not had period since July 12.
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natacha66 sandy1208
A biopsy? This is the usual procedure. What did they gynae say??
My advice to u would be find a new doctor and ask to see anothe gynae. U cannot let matters lie. Ur health in 1st place.
Keep me posted.
sandy1208 natacha66
I got my blood test by and my estrogen level is back down to 46.
I talked to the gynae this morning and he said that the cyst has resolved.
He want to do a endomaterial biopsy as a first step to rule out cancer
natacha66 sandy1208
Good. My bloods were all normal as well.
Stressing about it won't help u unfortunately. I try my best to put it to the back of my mind and get on with life.
These are procedure that are normally taken.
I spoke to a very well know. French gynae Jean Pierre Naccache and he told me they are all normal procedures that they take to rule out any further problem going unnoticed.
So try an enjoy urself as much as u can and it will be fine.
gailannie sandy1208
As to your question about your estrogen level being back down to 44. You are in the final stages of reaching menopause. In my final year, I would have a period maybe every couple months. Then six months. As is common, our production of estrogen can be very erratic, and our production of progesterone is nearly absent. Woman at this age, and meno status are rarely ovulating, which is why it is almost unheard of for a woman to get pregnant at this time in life. (It can happen, but very rarely does.)
So your estrogen level has been rocking and rolling with highs and lows, while your progesterone is not produced at normal levels. Estrogen thickens the lining of the uterus, and the lack of progesterone doesn't allow it to fully shed. This is why your uterus is showing a thickend lining.
Hope this helps.
colleen90305 sandy1208
Men have it easy. If I have to go through many more yrs of this, I'm going to shoot myself! We womaen got screwed
aged-too-fast sandy1208
I echo gailannie's thoughts if your last period was July 12, 2016 and not July 2012! Estrogen levels naturally fluctuate during our cycles but one cannot predict the pattern when heading into menopause. When we're having regular cycles, the lining typically gets up to 16mm so 12mm is not considered thick. Our bodies usually do a good job of shedding any build up by the time we go into menopause. As far as the cysts, since they went away they were likely normal functional cysts. I hope this helps ease your mind.