Ever Changing Periods...
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Hi lovely ladies! I am wondering what your periods are like at this stage (perimenopause). I feel like mine are getting to be all over the place. Mine can come anywhere between 19 and 31 days. They are heavy and clotty (which I have always had, just seem to be worse), and last anywhere between 4 and 8 or so days. Lately they seem to last forever at the end and it's like a game of peekaboo. I wipe nothing, then later I am bleeding again. It also seems after number two it restarts it again. I feel like I am going nuts along with this and all the other awful symptoms. Just reaching out to make sure that maybe I am not going crazy and don't need to order my glittery green straight jacket...
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Indifferent laurie19311
Mine have been 28 days like clockwork for the first time in my life. Through my 20's, and 30s they were all over the place, then halfway through my 40s I became regular but with a lot of flooding. some shorter, some longer, some lighter some heavier these days at 50.
laurie19311 Indifferent
Thank you for your reply! It's amazing what our bodies go through during this stage. I think for me it's the unpredictability of it all. Every day, let alone every month is different. I am so thankful for people like you who take the time to respond and for this forum. It makes me feel less alone!
jane66356 laurie19311
Hello Laurie,
Well mine at this point in peri is definitely ALL over the place! This year my cycles were like this: 95, 19, 57, 22, 38, 35 and 105 days 😦 Never know what's going on! I for sure thought I was done this last break but then at 105 days, I started to bleed..that was 9 days ago. I have been bleeding for 9 days with yesterday being the worst (clots, etc) Ick! I'll be 53 in a few weeks and for sure hope this is the last period!
laurie19311 jane66356
That has to be frustrating! I haven't come even remotely close to that length and I am frustrated, lol! I will pray that this is your last period!! Thank you for replying. It helps me know I am not alone!
christine-Perim laurie19311
this is exactly what i am experiencing. this period has lasted two weeks. just when i think i am done it starts again. my uterus feels huge. i have had 2 utlrasounds in the last five years and it shows nothing. i am sure i ovulated yesterday. i am so depressed. my perods have interrupted every fun and important celebration, vacations, anniversary, birthdays, thanksgiving, and i am sure i will suffer through christmas with a brave face. i dont want a hysterectomy but i am thinking that is going to be my only solution to a normal life. did any one keep their uterus and get through menopause without depressed , crazy and/or fat?
laurie19311 christine-Perim
I usually go right from my period to ovulation, so I never know what is what anymore! Two weeks? That has to be absolutely frustrating, but I have also read that can be normal at this stage. Tell me how that is normal, lol! Like you the frustrating part is the stopping then starting. I also get really bad pelvic pain at the end and that doesn't help either. It's sad our lives have to revolve around how we are feeling. I am just thankful that I have such a supportive family. I will be praying for you!
staci88515 laurie19311
I get my period every 21 days. It is heavy with small, medium, and large clots. It typically lasts 3 days with spotting before and after. I also get a wicked menstrual migraine. This has been going on for well over two years (migraines for 7/8 years). Super fun...NOT!
laurie19311 staci88515
I get headaches, but it is more like a pressure type. I am so sorry you have to suffer not only with the periods, but the migraines! I will be praying for you!
sara97862 laurie19311
Hi Laurie,
I'm 49, started peri 6 or so years ago. This last year, my cycles have been all over the place, length wise... 56 days, 35 days, 20 days, 24 days... there's no predicting it now.
I will say, flow has varied between spotting and light each month for the past year, which is a nice change.
I hope that means I'm close to the end... hope the same for you!!
Although a glittery green straight jacket sounds nice on occasion!! 😉
laurie19311 sara97862
Hi! I only had one light flow and that was a few months ago. Now it's back to the heavy and clotty. I am hoping the irregular cycles will be leading to something. I just feel like I am either bleeding or spotting and always uncomfortable. I hope you are close to the end too!! Maybe they are having a sale on straight jackets. I will get you one 😃 Thank you for replying!
jessie78520 laurie19311
I started tracking my periods about a year ago, once I noticed they had gotten irregular. I seem to get two cycles now: a short one that lasts 19-22 days or a long one that lasts 50-60 days. Periods range from 3 days during a shorter cycle to 10 days during a longer one. What really sucks with the longer ones is that PMS kicks in around the same time it would have when I was on a normal cycle, so it can last for 2-3 weeks sometimes!