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Hi anybody get excited and feel worst every time I laugh with people or my friend I feel giddy or lightheaded feel like unstable really feeling, brings on heart palpitations and feeling generally weird.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Exactly the same thing happens to me! I've given up on socialising because it leaves me drained. I feel over stimulated and wired - very strange! I feel like a fragile and tremulous Victorian lady who has the vapours and would need to lie down in a quiet room -  pathetic! I used to  love dancing and going out with friends for a drink. Can't even manage a meal now. Too much noise makes me uncomfortable and spaced out. I'm only 48 for gods sake!

    It's hormones playing their nasty tricks. When this is over (soon please!) I plan to hit every club in the area and dance til I drop - don't care if I'm the oldest bird on the dancefloor! Dammit I will throw some shapes again!

    Hope this weirdness settles down for you soon too - know you are not alone!


    • Posted

      Oh wow i have just written something similar. I suddenly feel that I am not alone in this...

      Praying for a day when I can resume normality 😀

    • Posted

      Totally agree.  I can be almost high with excitement, only to crash and burn soon after.  For instance, I may be anticipating a fun day (the evening prior) only to wake up completely deflated, and unable to get out of bed.  The ebbs and flows are horrible.  I never used to be like this.  Thank goodness for wine and tv
    • Posted

      You are not alone Toddpodd!

      Wishing you a speedy journey to normality! 😀

    • Posted

      I know how that feels - like I peak too soon lol! I will not commit to any social engagement as I'm fed up with letting people down, and I know they get tired of it too.

      Ive pulled out of my work Christmas do as I know I just won't  cope. Now I've got people calling me an unsociable misery. It's cruel this meno lark.

      Wish I could still drink wine but it makes me feel rough. Even just a small glass. Like I said - cruel.

      Take care x

    • Posted

      Don't let people get you down,you know how you feel and if they can't handle it well that's they problem..I know to well about it all, I'm not as bad as I was but still having issues mixing I have been putting people on fair promises for few years now but I think unless people experience what you are going through they will never know..they time is coming.

  • Posted

    OMG I am having one of these moments right as we speak hence why I am on this forum. I feel as though I need to be propped up, trembley and nautious. It can be debilitating and I have given up going out and socialising for a while as it takes one thing ie people talking at once, loud noises and crowds to start me off.

    Ohhh the joys!

  • Posted

    same here.. every emotion is exaggerated and it seems to take much longer to come down from it.  Just feel out of control for the smallest of things.  Also given up on being social as i have no idea how i will feel from one minute to the next.  If its not emotions all over the place its also the blood sugar crashing type feelings .. shakey and out of control sad
  • Posted

    If I laugh too hard I get dizzy. I make myself go out. Sunday me and a friend went to a Christmas open house, stopped for hot chocolate at this new trendy place, then dinner. The whole I'm worried that I'm having too much fun and maybe the grim reaper is coming for me. Then the next day I could barely get out of bed. I just want to enjoy life without worrying like some old woman!

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