experiences with HRT good and bad
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Hello ladies,
While there always seems to be controversary with the use of HRT, I thought it might be a good idea to have the group list pros and cons. Good experiences, as well as bad.
If you ca help this discussion, please include your age, menopause statis, problems, types of medications and dosage, and all good or bad experiences. I'm hoping that this might give some women the opportunity to see some other experiences.
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randa_99573 gailannie
extremely wonderful idea
jayne05 gailannie
dobb34487 gailannie
Hi, this is a great idea!
I am 46 and had left Oophorectomy due to a large Dermoid in 2012, forward to this August and I had my Right Ovary demolished by another Dermoid and another Oophorectomy. Throwing me cruelly into sudden menopause.I was having terrible hot flashes post surgery, some were so bad I would wake up hardly able to breathe, almost like getting into a car on a boiling day.I also just felt blah.Im now on Femiston-Conti for almost a month and though the odd hot flush has appeared again, I feel pretty good and hormonally stable.Ive also noticed intimate times with my husband are more enjoyable. Plus I seemed to have a lot of hair loss 2 weeks after my Op.I feel HRT was the only option for my situation and so far I'm happy
menopolized gailannie
HRT is a temporary solution. Many users have been told to stop using it after a time lapse of 5 years or so for certain reasons. Stopping it brings back the peri symptoms with a vengeance once again.
It needs time to kick in ...sometimes a time frame of 3 months is reccomended but then even if one doesnt take any HRT a time of that kind anyways brings in lots of changes in the experience of the symtoms by a woman in peri. - the intensity of symptoms is a lot less and more good days replace bad days. The body just gets addicted to the consistent new doses of hormons and adjusts with it.
HRT may help with hot flashes and night sweats and vaginal atrophy but it doesnt curb the anxiety, stomach issues, body vibrations, blood sugar issues...to the best of my reading knowledge.
the latest trend is for using natural progesterone cream......but it doesnt create miracles overnight...woman have to experiment, trial and error tille their body just gets aquainted to the treatment
id be interested to read more on this, thanks
michelle46271 gailannie
I've been on a long horrid journey with this perimenopause. I thought I was going mad so many times. The anxiety and depression was at a level I never imagined. At one point I told my husband that I wanted to go into a retreat for a bit. Never did though.
The HRT helped with the hot sweats a lot. Also to my surprise it helped the doom and gloom and anxiety quite a lot (by 4 months). It doesn't make every symptom go but takes the edge off them considerably.
I do still suffer a racing heart but take low dose propranolol which helps a lot.
Ask away if any questions
jayne05 michelle46271
Thanks Michelle. My doctor gave me the details this website. I was coping with the sweats and mood swings - just, but the insomnia has been awful for the last few months. She's given me a short term course of sleeping tabs to try to kick start sleep. I've had 2 amazing nights sleep, but know it's only a temporary fix. Was determined not to take anything but think I need to seriously consider the HRT.
michelle46271 jayne05
gailannie michelle46271