Extended bleeding times

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I've come here really to see if anyone has had this symptoms and for some reassurance. I'm 45 and for the last 3 years my periods are very on and off, I can go for 5 months with nothing then regular for 3 months. I know this is normal (my mum went through an early menopause). However, since March I haven't had a "normal period" and have been spotting, so it started out maybe one day in a fortnight but has slowly got closer together to the point now where I have been bleeding for over 4 weeks. It's very light, only one sanitary pad per day. I have very very mild cramping at times. I did have a telephone consultation with my GP the other day who said she thinks it's related to peri menopause, all my smears are up to date and I had a cervical polyp removed last year so obviously nothing showed up on camera in my cervix.

Despite this because it's a new symptom for me I'm obviously stressing that it might be something else.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    yup!! I'm going through the same thing... And from everything I've read and heard it is pretty typical for perimenopause 🥰

    • Posted

      Thanks to everyone, you make me feel better. I'm still bleeding, lightly but still there. Had started to convince myself I "feel" something heavy in my womb, paranoia at it's best!!!

  • Posted

    45 here, too. I just had two heavy periods two weeks apart with spotting in between. So, I was bleeding for 24 days straight with 10 of those days being heavy. I went to the obgyn and she scheduled an internal ultrasound which is next week. I have not skipped any periods yet and this is the first time I have ever had periods that close together before.

  • Edited

    Almost same here..normal

    periods but spotting in between for the past 5-6 months. Sometimes red, sometimes dark brown. Periods are getting closer together too. Im 44 so im thinking hormonal also..

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