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Hi Ladies,

I've been experiencing this since I went in to menapause. Does anybody else have these symptoms? I also have trouble losing weight. I cut my calories in half for more than two months and have only knocked off ten pounds. I am excercising, doing yoga thirty minutes about three times per week to help with my back pain. Any suggestons?

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6 Replies

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    Hello Mary!

    I am in Peri and yes, my lower back pain has gotten worse. So bad that for the last month I haven't been able to attend my Yoga classes. I did have Xrays done and there is some degenerative changes but not enough to cause the discomfort. So I am in Physical Therapy for the time being. Also never heard of it before this year, but I have bilateral Plantar Faciitis (feet nonsense) going on as well. My knees crack like crazy.....lol I guess some of this is simply age related, but I suspect some is the declining estrogen which help to keep joints and what not in good condition.

    Weight gain? I have gained roughly 25 lbs since beginning of year without increasing my intake. Spent last week's holiday with relatives and actually cried when I saw myself in the family photo-YUK! So while this is really the wrong time of year to do a drastic diet, I have decided to really cut back on everything-starting tomorrow. I really feel like someone flipped a switch at the beginning of the past year and I'm physically changing in ways physically and emotionally I don't like!  [frown]

    Frustrating, isn't it? Wish I had a suggestion, but I am taking all the supplements and vitamins I was told would help, so far not seeing much of a difference yet. 

    Wishing you the best!

    Annie  xx

    • Posted

      I have the plantar fasciitis thing too. It comes and goes. One week I can hardly walk and the next it's pretty much gone. It's weird. I'm sure it's all down to hormone fluctuations.xx
  • Posted

    Adrenal Fatigue is often an underlying problem in peri and can hinder weight loss. There are diets and supplements which will support your adrenals - lots of info on the internet may be worth investigating.

    I think I read somewhere that extra weight can help with the body creating osetrogen though as the ovaries wind down hence why us lighter ladies seem to get lots of peri symptons.

  • Posted

    I had really sore joints and back/hip pain. It was so bad that I was stooped over in the morning. Started taking glucosamine and bought a tempur mattress. Its much better now, but still get a fair aount of aches and feel much stiffer. I do exercise, but cannot seem to lose weight. Have just started taking thyroxine tablets, so hopefully I may see a difference with that. But I do know that I cannot give in to accepting this is the weight I will be (maybe two stones overweight). Its just asking for trouble with joints, diabetes etc aside from making me feel rubbish about myself. Loads of people are talking aout piliates, so going to try that too. Sincere best wishes. Oh, incidentally, since starting thyroxine, havent lost weight, but feel mentally much brighter.
    • Posted


      What is thyroxine and what is it meant to do? This is a new one for me. I had heard about Iodine supplement but read up on it and move on as it seemed a bit dicey. Please let me know what information you have about this as I HATE this extra weight and lack of mental clarity. 

      It has been recommended to me to try Pilates to strengthen my back as well. May give it a go.

      Annie xx

  • Posted

    Hi, your thyroid gland is in your neck and it produces the hormone thyroxine. This hormone can have a huge effect on your energy levels, too low and you become really sluggish and tired, too high and you go into overdrive. Loads of info online about it and its very common to have an imbalance. A simple blood test will tell you if you need thyroxine, safe to take as youre just replacing what is needed. Doc said to me to double the dose if I didnt see a change. You get regular blood tests until you find the right level for you. I hadjust mentioned to doc that I couldnt lose weight, despite exercising and watching my diet. Worth a shot?!

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