Extreme chronic debilitating fatigue

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For the past 2 days i have been struck with such fatigue that i never experienced in my entire life. Its to the point where i am laying for most of the day. My heart has palps and i am drinking plenty of water so i do not become dehydrated. Is this normal at perimenopause because i am quite worried.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    i had /have this thought it was hormones and turns out i have ebv with mono . get your blood checked if persists. many of my friends my age living normal lives travelling going out ..

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    hi hope,,, yes ma'am i had that when i was in peri..(. one of my first symptoms) but, i didnt know i was entering peri though... never even crossed my mind. it was very very debilitating .. it wasnt just tiredness.. it was a painful tired.. it would just hit me... i would need to lye down... it does go away.... i still get tired but its not the fatigued feeling... ive been in meno for 2 years.... i didnt know what was happening to me when i entered peri (again, didnt know anything about peri) i really thought i was dieing of something... i felt horrible 😦

    • Posted

      hi there! i dont have the painful fatigue anymore❤ i do get tired in the afternoon.. makes me not want to do anything but take a nap 😦

  • Posted

    Yes.. I had this in the fall and had no idea if it was my life ( busy summer with kids) or what cuz all I would do was sleep.. Wake up, get them to school and then lay back down usually for a long nap then when they came home I did what needed and then early to bed.. It was difficult to do anything and felt I could nap anywhere. I remember saying to myself I needed to move so all I could do was do a few leg lifts on the floor. I did blood work too and it turned out good. So then I started doubling a few supplements and weeks later I was feeling a little better. But wow it wiped me out-- I really thought I had a major disease..

    • Posted

      Hi there,

      can i ask what supplements you take to help this?

      Ta. x

    • Posted

      I doubled Vit D, coq10 and even iron .. I didn't go crazy but it could've helped. You may want to try Ginseng--- A woman was telling me that she takes this and it really peps her up at 72.

  • Posted

    Ur not alone dear

    me too feel tired full day without doing anything .

    Its Peri dear


  • Posted

    Yes, it was one of my first symptoms too... I have gone from a person who was quite flexible in body, happy go lucky and lots of stamina to stiff as a board with aches and pains everywhere plus exhaustion like I have never known! It came on quick and has never really left despite trying HRT and vit and minerals... I'm 47 and it started around 5 yrs ago.

    I have just started taking vit d, magnesium, evening primrose oil, b vits and a multivitamin tablet daily in a hope that they may help... as yet I have yet to feel a difference.

    Some days are a bit better than others but there is no rhyme or reason why... just a mad hormonal body i think.

    You're not alone, we're all in it together.

    Lots of love your way, xxx.

  • Posted

    Tiredness was my very first symptom and I wanted to sleep all the time. Unfortunately, once that symptom disappeared it was replaced by insomnia. Listen to your body and if you need to lie down or nap then do that. All the best.

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