Extreme fatigue
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Hi all,
I'm really struggling with fatigue this morning. So bad that felt as if I was going to fall asleep in the bathroom. I'm struggling to get off the couch...
It's giving me a fuzzy/weird head.
Is this normal perimenopause symptom??
Ant tips?
Thank you
1 like, 16 replies
Azzumi dora_39625
Hi Dora.. Yes fatigue is another normal peri symptom. I don't have it as much now but when I do I have moments when I feel I can't even stand up. I find it comes in waves now. Just very hard to deal with when I'm at work.
sarah05599 dora_39625
Hi Dora
Yes it is as I was hit with it 2 weekends ago and it ruined my weekend as I felt I just couldn't do anything and just wanted to sleep also depression with it to. That was the first time I've ever had it so another 2 to add to my ever growing peri list 😞
Sarjahl4321 dora_39625
Bassilli Sarjahl4321
Thanks for the praise report. Yes, God us good. One scripture I am learning to lean on during this time is "My grace is sufficient ".
evi75119 Sarjahl4321
Peri is hell! Hormones are like demons...I need hormonal balance back. I am on the verge of craziness
Bassilli evi75119
Sarjahl4321 Bassilli
Sarjahl4321 evi75119
I completely understand, yes, been there myself, I even got depressed at times, n went to the Doc and they ran all kinds of test and nothing, I couldn’t understand what was happening n the Doc’s claim it was all in my head. When it first started to happen, it was like my whole life was put on hold, Couldn’t enjoy anything, shopping, being with family, friends, nothing. Everything seemed like a hard task. Had to quit working for a while n everything but ever since I changed my diet, started eating healthy, organic whenever I could afford it, lots of fresh veggies n fruits, drinking lots of water, praying and crying out to God and asking him to help, things got way way better, not a 100% but a far cry from what it use to be, so much so that I will be going back out to work next week. I know it’s not easy, but I will keep you lifted up in prayer daily that your health can improve.
kelly55079 dora_39625
Yes.. when it hits it's BAD and I feel like I'm drugged. I have to rest, nap and drink lots of water hoping that it passes. I take supplements and eat healthy---I'm sure it all helps.
dora_39625 kelly55079
This is exactly how I get Kelly!! A feeling like I'm drugged and it's awful...
Do you mind me asking what supplements you take?
I currently don't take anything as not really sure what would help.
One g.p told me to take vit d and calcium but that's it...
kelly55079 dora_39625
I take many.. Not sure it helps but I do it anyways and I buy good quality with good reviews-- I like to hear about how it's helping them.. There has been many articles written about supplements if they help. I take Vit D-3, calcium with magnesium, coq10, fish oil and a multi. I also started adding collagen (joints) and spirulina to my smoothies. YES, at our age we need Vit D and calcium for our bone health!! I once read that if you're going to take one vitamin, it should be Vit D.
AJacynM dora_39625
Yes, I understand completely! I get so tired I just can't think straight and feel a bit nauseous through tirednesss too, I think that's down to a kind of migraine eye pain as I just want to sleep!!
I've just started another new HRT regime again so time will tell if that helps but it's defo helped my painful joints...
Keep smiling and remember (a little) chocolate helps!!! 😘 Hope you find relief soon - and if you do, SHARE! 😊
dora_39625 AJacynM
Thank you!
Do you take bio identical hormones or traditional hrt?
I really need to start trying somerhing as my symptoms are awful.
I've been told by gp that bios are not available through nhs at our pharmacy.
I know there are a few good specialists in London, but this is our of the question due to cost. So unfair..
anxiousface AJacynM
AJacynM anxiousface
Yep, in fact I've got it now. My eyes just feel like lumps of concrete in their sockets and every blink just hurts! 😖
Solpadeine also helps! It is awful though...
AJ. xx
AJacynM dora_39625
Ok so I started on Evorel sequi patches, after 6 months it was awful as the progesterone did not suit me at all.
Switched to Femseven and, although side effects diminished, these just did not stick well at all! Stopped this week after 3 months.
I have now started this week on a regime of Evorel oestrogen patches continuous then adding in Utrogestan tablets for the last 14 days of the cycle. This is a bio-identical progesterone I am told... obviously I haven't started those yet but I'll post on this site when I do tomlet everyone know if it's good or bad!! I'm really hoping this regime works!!
HRT hasn't made me feel fantastic (it did for my mother though!) but it has taken away some symptoms and I'm hoping it'll help with bone density as I'm a bit young to be going through the menopause. I started at 43 and tried without HRT for 2 years first...
I saw the London based specialist but I'm leaving it until it's a last resort!!!
Hope you get sorted soon one way or the other. It's so hard. Hang in there.
AJ. xx