Extremely Low Vitamin D

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Hello Ladies,

Dr. called the other night and told me I have extremely low vitamin D levels. They want to see between 30 and 50 and I had a level of 8.7...So I am taking 5,000 IUS a day of Vitamin D....Have any of you ladies experienced extremely low vitamin D levels???

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    yes i was prescribed 3,000 ius daily because of my low vitamin D. I never had this problem until i entered peri

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    what symptoms did you have with the vit d deficiency?

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      feet hurt and feel weird....muscle twitches, spasms weak joints and muscles.....

  • Posted

    hi shana wow yours is very low.. mine was at 17 doctor gave me a prescription for D..

    50.000 ius day a week for a month..

    i would wake up in the mornings and my feet would hurt so bad to walk on them.. my hips were hurting... i took those and felt much better.... i didnt realize the low VITAMIN d

    was what was causing it...

    hugs to you, friend i hope you feel better.

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      1 day a week for a month

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      it should come up pretty quickly they said...I am now drinking orange juice fortified with vitamin D and Calcium...I am gonna buy a light box as well to bring up vitamin D....How long did it take you to feel a difference?

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      im very surprised they didnt give you a prescrition for a higher amount... if i remember correctly i could tell after my first vitamin.. but mine were a pretty high strength though ...

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      They said in 3 months if it isnt at 30 or 40 they will then give me the 50,000

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    I always have a Vit D deficiency every year when i go for my annual physical & blood work.. What they do is put me on a vit d prescription for like 8 weeks. U take it once a week for 8 weeks. Then they bring me back 9 weeks later to retest my level, & it always goes up to the normal level, then they tell me to take over the counter vit d supplements daily.

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    my level was 16.9 and my doctor insisted it wasn't low enough to cause me a problem...yeah well..I took it upon myself to buy some and start taking it. Seemed to help a bit but the last few days I've felt as off as I did before I started taking it.

    Having more blood work tomorrow so we will see where the level is now.

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      what??? Really...I am glad you started taking it on your own!!!! how long have you been taking the supplements? let me know please what your level is?

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      about 2 months.. taking 5,000 mg a couple times a week..level is up to 30 now..

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    I was deficient on vd and was prescribed 50,000 once a week for 2 months. my level was 8. I was having severe pain in my legs and sometimes my arms, severe fatigue and just not feeling well. I did not know that when we have blood tests done they dont check for vitamin deficiency unless it is specifically asked for. the good news is that I'm not dying of a horrible disease because I've had every test known to man and all came back normal. my dr had to ask for my vitamin levels to be checked and all it was is low vitamin D. I feel so much better with no leg pain and not feeling as fatigued.

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      susane....I am wondering why my dr. only put me on 5,000 IUS a Day and not the 50,000 one pill a week form. They said in 3 months if I don't have my levels up they will put me on the 50,000 IUS. Why not put me on the 50,000 now????!!!!!

    • Posted

      that doesn't make any sense to me either. I would definitely ask about that.

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