extremely unbearable pain on my right shoulder radiating to whole arm
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Hello ladies, have you ever feel sth like that?
I am on 6 day of my cycle and for the last two days I am constantly suffering. I cannot move my right hand at all! It is an awful neuromyalgic pain...
I cannot write more....because of my hand..
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I was wondering if it is due to the change of season as we are entering officially in summer.....
Oh my God, I cannot bear the pain it is killing my nerves inside my shoulder and my arm, I'am taking paracetamol every six hours.
AJacynM evi75119
Amongst all the aches and pains I now have, the very first pain started in my arm. It started in my shoulder and then moved also to my elbow and was absolutely awful!
I just remember how I could no longer pull the car handbrake on with one hand as it hurt so much and also couldn't lift a full kettle.
It went on for months and months I'm sorry to say... I kind of just put up with it and didn't push for steroidal injections etc but I'd say it lasted a good 9 months before starting to subside.
I put it down to meno as I'd started to feel awful and achey plus other issues - also I knew I hadn't injured or strained it.
I guess if it had carried on much longer I may have got medical intervention.. physio maybe? Painkillers took the edge off and I also started taking magnesium.
Hope yours gets better sooner rather than later.
evi75119 AJacynM
Thank you for your support!
To be honest, it is not the first time I feel this annoying pain but this time the intensity of the pain scares me and it is lasting for the last 2 days.
The first time I felt it, I blame myself for not having not the right position during my sleep and the matress!
My elbows along with my knees are more achey when the weather is rainy with lightnings and thunders
About magnesium, my gynecologist prescribed me magnesium before 6 months but now I have stopped taking it. Maybe I am gonna start it again.
I am not postmeno or menopause, I am still in climacteric phase, though with regular periods. Unfortunately, I have been operated both my ovaries because of cysts. I still have my ovaries but the doctor have to cut parts of them in order to remove the cysts. Thus after my surgeries my symptoms have been deteriorated.
Back to my current problem with my elbow, I am trying to be patient but it is so achey that interferes with my sleep. I took again painkiller and my pain has reduced but still cannot move it. Maybe it is some kind of inflammation to the joint because of low estrogen and it takes time to recover. I hope as you said very soon!!!
AJacynM evi75119
I do feel for you as it is so painful and of course we need our hands for so many things... maybe an elbow support of some kind together with painkillers and yes, defo try the magnesium again.
I guess you could also discuss with your doc about testing hormone levels to see if your estrogen levels have been affected by the surgeries on your ovaries?
Good luck! xx
grace50455 evi75119
hi, I have been dealing with that pain in both my shoulders for years.My hands hurt all the time especially in the morning. I worked as a CNA for years , I injured both and recieved therapy but now I dont understand why Im in so much pain. My Dr.
said she thinks it is rheumatoid arthritis and referred me to rheumatologist,I didnt go because I dont want to be put on all the meds they advertise on TV it seems like there are more side effects than benefits so I am trying to double up on supplements . let me know if the magnesium works for you. HOPE you feel better soon! God bless you:)