Eye movements and weird sensations

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Hi ladies, for all the regulars who have read my previous posts who know that I have been having off balance, woozy sensations and a stiff painful neck, severe anxiety and depression

I was wondering if any of you ladies have experienced any weird sensations with your eyes. I've noticed that if I'm expressing myself with my eyes like making them wide it makes me feel imbalanced

I swear this peri is getting more weird everyday, it really does give me terrible health anxiety

I've been off balance since last March, blood test results last year proved estrogen very low , tried HRTs but had to stop cos of side effects, now on tibolone

I also have a history of ME and my mum passed away in January this year...it's been a terrible time, worst time of my life

I would appreciate any ladies replys who share similar symptoms


Brenda X

Ps. Also dread washing my hair as don't like a lot of head movement, anybody tekate to this? X

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry mean any ladies relate to this xx
  • Posted

    Hi Brenda, sounds like it could be your neck muscles causing this....I do yoga which helps and maybe some stretching? Xxx
  • Posted

    Hang in there it will pass it's the anxiety part that we get that makes us feel like there's everything in the world wrong with us just keep telling yourself it will pass it's just your hormones
    • Posted

      Thanks monique, my anxiety is terrible at the moment, I let the anxiety build when my husband was setting off for work at 6am, by 8am I was crying my eyes out, don't want to be alone with my symptoms and feeling so anxious

      I've developed a fear of the imbalance dizzy sensation, I've allowed it to rule me, it's like a phobia, I think that's why my neck is so sore and tense and is slightly veering to the left. All my muscles are sore today because of the panic attacks, they seem to have went on most if the day

      Hope your having a good day and thanks again for listening

      Hugs xx

    • Posted

      Hi Brenda,

      Anxiety and panic have a way of making us think we're not in control.  That said, having dealt with this a lot as well, there are coping strategies that we can use to feel better.  I am sorry for your loss and hope you will be comforted by good memories of your mum.  You might want to talk with a counselor who can help you with your loss, especially with regard to your own health and how this is all affecting you at once, and who could help with coping techniques.  I hope this is helpful to you and again am sorry for your loss, I know you are hurting.  

      Take care,

      Elizabeth 💕

    • Posted

      Thanks for your kind words Elizabeth, I think speaking to a councillor would be a good idea but hard to find one

      I am overwhelmed with everything that's happened and worried it could prolong all of the symptoms I'm suffering from

      If I could stop fearing the off balance/dizzy sensation then the anxiety would decrease

      Thanks again and sending you a hug

      Brenda xx

  • Posted

    Brenda you could have virtigo. I've seen a few ladies in peri mention things like this and I too panic when it happens. I sometimes feel like I've been out on the lash and suffering the morining after or a spin on the waltzers. Yuck, it's awful isn't it. Sorry to hear about you losing your mum. Big hug for you x. You need to find a coping mechanism because as hard as it is, don't let this rule you. I hope what the ladies here say helps you. I know this phrase is commonly used but you really aren't on your own xx. 
    • Posted

      Thanks bugglybot your right I do need to calm down and find a way of coping and not to let this symptom rule me, I feel sorry for my husband and three sons as they are suffering as well

      My sons are studying at uni and I feel me panicking and crying all the time is affecting them so I'll need to make an effort

      Lots of love

      Brenda xx

    • Posted

      Don't beat yourself up Brenda, I defy anyone to be any different when we feel so bad. I just feel bad for you. My husband is great and very understanding and our two oldest boys kind of 'get it' but bless them, I think sometimes they just nod in agreement, although they're great when I feel off it.

      Have you chatted to your sons about it, so they have a better insight into how you feel? I'll bet you're not affecting them as much as you think you are. They'll file it away and get on with things more than you think but of course they'll worry about their mum. Good luck to all of you and let us know how you get on xx. 

    • Posted

      just the thought of the 'waltzers' has made me nauseous eek but describes it perfectly!   Really fed up with the dizzy spells which went for a couple of months but back now everyday. when will it all calm down?  dizzy spells, weird eyes and sick to the stomach,  grrrrrrr.
    • Posted

      Hi bugglybot, my eldest son is 25, don't have any daughters so he is the one I usually go to to talk, he's been great trying to help me for months when my husbands at work but I know he worries about me and gets stressed when I'm crying and panicking

      My other two sons are 24 and 22 and just walk on if I mention symptoms

      My whole family are struggling because of the death of my mum, my eldest son was particularly close to his gran so it's taken its toll on him

      Everything for us just feels wrong at the moment, my fear of the off balance woozy sensation has affected my relationship with my husband as I won't let him near me or hug me incase it makes the dizziness worse, I've developed a kind of phobia with this

      Anyway, it's good to talk to females for a change especially ones who care, I have two sisters who won't even call or text me even though they know I'm struggling so thanks for caring

      I hope your having a good day, lots of love ....Brenda xx

    • Posted

      Horrible isn't it. I used to be able to tolerate rides like the speedway, to a degree. Just watching them now makes me want to vomit sometimes. Sometimes metamorphed, we'll have some good days and it fools us. Then..wallop..here we go again. I know how you feel.
    • Posted

      That's so similar to my situation Brenda. Our oldest is 27 and he picks up on when I'm down or don't feel good. I do chat to him but I'm scared I'll overload him. It's good that our kids know how we feel but we feel bad for showing it. It's a myth that mums are supposed to be the strong silent type but it plays on my mind when I don't feel that way.

      Our middle son is 25 in May and he is a worrier but he's never still and is always on the go, so it looks like he's not really listening, although he is. I really am sorry about you losing your mum. Not only do you feel rough as it is, but that hurts a lot and you're also feeling for the rest of your family. I hope it lightens for you all soon.

      That's awful. At least my sister chats with me. She's 45 and is suffering as well. She doesn't call or text but if I needed her, she'd be there, (I hope so anyway). This forum is great for us all to come together. The sanity we think we've lost, is among our posts sometimes. Take care Brenda xx. 

    • Posted

      Thanks BugglyBot I really appreciate you and the other ladies who take the time to respond to my posts, your empathy and advice always helps to reassure me that I'm not on my own

      Here's to better days

      Take care

      Brenda xx

  • Posted

    Makes me so sad to hear other people who are having such hard times, but it also helps us all to feel not so alone too smile  I had bad vertigo and heart palpitations for a while, also muscle aches/spasms.  Turns out I had two things going on (still unsure if its peri related or what other cause there may be); one is that the heart palpitations were caused by atrial tachycardia (fast/irregular heartbeat, but the cardiologist said it isn't life threatening, just put me on a beta-blocker) and the other is that I was low in Vitamin D (blood test showed this) so the GP put me on 5,000iu of vitamin D per day.  Once I had been on those two things (along with a daily multi-vite and some B complex) for a couple weeks, the vertigo went away as did the palpitations and spasms (other than the very occassional one now, but at least I know what they're from).  Keep going to the doc and asking for tests if you can, surely made me feel better knowing it wasn't all "just in my mind" and that I could do something about it.  Also for when it gets really bad on occassion now that I can't let the worry/anxiety go, I take a xanax on occassion so my body can relax enough to get the sleep it needs (which always gets tough for me when I'm worked up).  Hope any of this might help you, and hope you get some relief soon!

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