Eye problems

Posted , 7 users are following.

Hi lovely ladies not been on for a while but still things are the same just about every symptom goin and now irritable eyes dry and then running all the time anyone else experienced this feelin fed up ??😔

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Nanette,

    Hang int here. Logging in here seems to make us feel like we aren't just "imagining" our symptoms I think! I have dry eyes too and they water a lot.  My eye dr. prescribed some steroid drops that worked wonders, but short term. She also was the first to ask if I sleep with a ceiling fan on and when I said yes she said stop immediately. Very bad for the eyes.  Take care!

    • Posted

      Hi mimi thanks for replying mine just seem to run and feel irritated which is making me quite fed up with everything else goin on I have had s fan on to help with hot flushes maybe this hadn't helped 😩??

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    I use a liquidgel know i can't say the brand put you can purchase it over the counter. Email me and i will share. It works wonders.

  • Posted

    OMG yesss mee! I cant go a day without constant tears rolling out of my left eye. I did go to eye dr n was given Xidra. Not only did that eye drop NOT help the taste of it was disgusting. But I do have to mention that I had my hormones tested and they were all extremely low. I have been on Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement therapy and my dry eye has stopped. I did read that low hormones can affect dry eyes.
    • Posted

      Hi Kim it is so annoying every time I go out and in the house they just water and feel sticky and itchy I'm 51 and have had many other symptoms this is just another to add to the long list feelin fed up with it all x

    • Posted

      Sorry should say did you get your bio identical hormone treatment from your gp 
    • Posted

      I was referred to the dr treating me now from my gyno! I call her my Bio dr. She is also a gyno but specializes in Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy.
  • Posted

    There is an envelope right by my name. I knew the moderator was going to flag it
  • Posted

    Dear nanette

    Yes I had this and have it qgain two years into menopause!

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      Hi jpinkcatfairy thanks for replying it is so annoying especially with everything else goin on did you have anything for it carmen mentioned something she took but I think you can only get in USA 😔X

    • Posted

      I think at one time I did get something from the chemist (I'm UK) but I cant remember now. Yes it is annoying it comes and goes and im two years post meno. I also suffered eye twitching too, my husband gets both aswell , I'm sure he has meno symptoms too! I have recently purchased some eye wash and I think there is one on the market for dry eyes. Sometimes the tears just drop out of me which can be annoying when your in the middle of the supermarket!

    • Posted

      Omg yes that is exactly me walking round the supermarket with tears in my eyes not good and yes I have had the twitching in one of my eyes aswell does help to know I'm not alone xx

    • Posted

      Dear nanette

      That is the beauty of this site isn't it? Menopause can make us feel so alone at times but coming on here really helps to confirm that what symptoms we get are menopause related because sometimes the health anxiety plays with our minds and tells us differently xx

    • Posted

      Yeah that is so true 😔There is so much goin on health anxiety kicks in and everything is 20 times worse I'm 51 and some days feel about 70 I have a house full of men my husband and two teenage sons who I know love me but are not always sympathetic so it does help massively to be able to talk to other ladies in the same situation it is reassuring 😘My eye started twitching out of the blue stops and starts but I do believe this is all hormone related xxxx

    • Posted

      Hiya thats exactly why I sought out this site! I kept saying I cant be the only one dealing with all this crap! 

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