Fast heartbeat

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does anybody else seem to suffer from a faster heartbeat than normal, it seems to go fast for a couple of hours I can feel it in my chest, then it slows down to normal

ive been checked for angina and it came back all clear but now this fast heartbeat has started, just wondering whether it's one of the peri systems getting fed up going back and forth to the doctors 



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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I had it for seval months, along with some palpitations at times that started freaking me out.  GP said it was just anxiety and gave me a prescription for xanax.  While that helped to calm down a bit, I decided I wanted more answers so I went to a cardiologist and he confirmed I had atrial tachycardia.  Sounds scary but he asured me it wasn't life threatening.  Did a ulttrasound of my heart just to make sure no other problems.  Started me on beta blockers, which just slow down my heartbeat to a steady rythm and lower the blood pressure a bit.  Now I still get a sped up heartbeat if I drink more than 1 or 2 drinks of alcohol, especially at night.  Cardiologist said it was probably hormones that brought it on (and anxiety makes it worse), and not much to worry about.  But it helped me feel better to go get it checked out smile
    • Posted

      Thank you for that, it's putting my mind at rest I will get it checked out as it's quite fast when it's a resting heartbeat and that's when I can feel it and obviously I get anxious....vicious circle


  • Posted

    Yes I can feel it on upper stomach area and middle of chest, and heartbeat stops and skips and thuds. Test showed ectopic heartbeat. Nothing to worry about but still unsettling. I've stopped all caffeine. It is listed as a menopause symptom on British Heart Foundation website.
    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply I will have a look on the British heart foundation. It's horrible what women have to go through 😒
  • Posted

    Yep, no more caffeine for me either.  And only 1 or 2 drinks at most if out with friends. 
  • Posted

    Yes I get it rite before and after my cycle and ovulation. Its scary when happening. Had it checked out twice with cardiologist and all was clear. I was given beta blockers to slow it down when need be. It is a meno symptom caused by the drop in hormones.
  • Posted

    Hi Lesley,

    I have this too.  It doesn't happen every day and it seems to happen early evening or when my anxiety level has increased.  I've had many cardiac tests done and all are normal.  It's a common occurrence during peri menopause  as our hormone levels fluctuate, but I do recommend you have your doctor check it out to make sure there isn't another reason for it.  It could also be thyroid related.  From what I understand our fluctuating hormone levels during menopause can also have an effect on our other hormone levels, such as thyroid hormone.  An increase in thyroid hormone can also cause rapid heartbeat and anxiety.  I hope this helps!

    Take care....Tanya.

  • Posted

    Could be stress.Palpitations can medicate stress too.Read a post abipout sage for palpitations, great post, I get fast heart beat, so much I almist feel my body rocking. Usually during PMS, or, Severe stress.Stella42

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