Fat belly help!

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I've really battled with peri as I have not managed to get on anything really. I've been putting off seeing the Doctor. Anyway, I'm so down today. I bought some clothes to try and cheer me up but my belly is just, well HUGE. 

I know I am supposed to work out daily  for half an hour (apparently) but I hardly ever sleep well and I am absolutely exhausted. The thought of exercising is just well mad for me right now. Please, any help. I;ve lost all confidence coz of my belly and I've stopped going out. 

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    I was the same way...refused to see old friends, wouldn't be seen around town, or at the beach.

    Finally, when I realized that it was just bringing me down, I bought some new clothes in a larger size and got out. I found that all (or at least most) of my friends had also gained weight. It's nearly impossible to keep the weight off with the loss of estrogen.

    I'm not giving up though!

    Try to gain some confidence and get out and see people no matter how huge the belly is. You are still the same person, and I'm sure a good person. I'm sure people would love to hang out with you!

    • Posted

      It's hard. I moved to Scotland from South Africa and everything hit then. So I don't know anyone. 

    • Posted

      I get that. It is hard with a move. Even going shopping could strike up a conversation with someone. Or walking in the park. I know everyone is saying exercise, but that is the last thing I'm into. I do walk though. Especially when I get anxiety. My dr said take a walk. I walk and look around, notice new things all the time, and best of all, have casual conversations when I run into another person. I walk in the woods and by the creek, so it's rare that I see people, but does happen.

    • Posted

      Thank you. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I realize my belly goes massive when I am PMS which now is for about two weeks or more before my period. I reckon I have IBS too. I'm trying steamed food for a while. I am going to try and drop weight a bit. I've been trying to keep positive about things, it does help a little. I even accessed a youtube site where men admire fat bellies. I know! sounds mad, but hey, we need to feel better about ourselves. loll. hugs to you. 

  • Posted

    Hi Callianne, i'm feeling your pain! This past year since my periods have stopped Ive put on quite a few pounds on my middle, back, thighs and bum and with ibs as well Im doubly bloated! Im on sertraline for anxiety and its given me such an appetite! I need to get walking like i used to before xmas, before i had the anxiety attacks and only buy sensible food!!

    • Posted

      I can really identify with a lot of your posts. I've read a few. The anxiety etc., I am going on a mission to (try) and love myself. I've even thought of starting a blog smile maybe something good will come of it eh? xx big hug to you.

  • Posted

    Jeans jeggings and a baggy sweater! I can't advise really as I'm texting while sipping a Baileys over ice! But it does taste really good. But hopefully the lighter nights will mean I can soon go for a long hike before enjoying a tipple. We have to earn our treats!

    I go to a Pilates class that helps with posture and holding the tummy in.

    Passionflower helps me sleep. 6 hours and I'm happy. Don't sleep like I used to but I accept that.

    Don't stop going out, we need a bit of social time, pity we can't start a walking club. Don't give up x

  • Posted


    I know what you are going through...And I know you probably don't want to hear this but it's all down to exercise..I'm 51 and have not had a period in almost a year and the only thing that's got me through is exercise...it's gonna be so tough at the start and it's gonna take you to kick your own ass, but believe me the more you exercise the less tired you will become .. I know the aches and pains and it's a real thought but it does pay off..Another thing I have tried and it has worked is Maca root..Do a bit of research and see if it is something you could try..

    All the best

    Pam x

  • Posted

    Hi, I totally get it, I feel the same, this peri is total bs, as much as the thought of exercise is freaking you out right now, it's honestly the best thing u can do, when I wake up knackered in the morning because peri doesn't let me sleep the last thing I wanna do is exercise, but I give myself a massive kick up the bum and go to the gym. I'm exhausted when I've done it but feel mentally great and so bloody pleased with myself, ur amazing, don't let peri stop you from living,us ladies have got to be strong, big huggs to you, xxxxx

  • Posted

    I'm on my way to the gym shortly because I've lost weight and my belly needs help, but like you I feel exhausted and even dizzy and off it. All I can say callianne is to try and push through it because I've found that once I've been and exercised, (or exercised at home), it gives me a buzz and lifts how I feel. It's our 30th Wedding Anniversary this year and I'm determined to look and feel better.

    All I can suggest is to set yourself small goals and exercises and build from there to see if that helps you. I wish you luck and send you a hug x.

  • Posted

    Hi again I forgot to mention that I has same fat build up around the middle ..it's the down side of not producing enough estrogen..so I found that changing my diet helped..I always remembef my mother telling me I would not be able to eat the same the older I got..my digestive system has slowed down..

    I cut out all bad sugars and eat much more fish and veg allowing myself a treat at weekend. Also take aloe vera digestive aid morning and night and found my bloated stomach is almost none existing..it's hard cutting outhe sugar as I live chocolate..but look forward to weekend when I treat myself..For sure I can not eat the same as I did before menapause..

    Hope this helps and your not alone

    Pam x

    • Posted

      I wonder then if HRT helps fat belly? Thanks for your feedback, where do you get the Aloe? 

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