Fat fat fat
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Ok y'all..... is anybody getting fat in the stomach mostly but I'm getting big all over!!!!! I'm on Estrace 2mg. And yea I wonder if I started running again it would help me lose even though I feel like menopause has caused this!!! Help help help!! I'm 54 so I know this is it. I haven't had a period in over a year!!!
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Lotti1966 susan93110
I had the same concern. This is the biggest I've ever been! My dr says it's normal and we now have to watch what we eat even more than before. Transfer fats, sat fats, starch, everything.
It's all going to store itself in our bodies. Totally sucks
Sochima822 susan93110
Hi, I had the same issue after taking bcp's. I gained 30 lbs.without changing my diet. For which I ate very little. After stopping the pill I exercised & fasted and lost all the weight.
jane5216 susan93110
OMG yes!! I've been lucky enough to stay very slim all my life but now I'm just expanding and expanding. None of my clothes fit and I hate it. I'm exercising more than I ever have, hardly drink alcohol and certainly not eating any more. Not sure what more I can do.
Sochima822 jane5216
jane5216 Sochima822
No I'm not.
Sochima822 jane5216
carmen_22574 Sochima822
I'm in the same boat. I've always been on the thicker side. I have had my thyroid checked several times and mine is fine. I lost 21lbs before Christmas last year and have almost double my weigjt back. My stomach is huge. I get injections in my back so its hard for me to exercise because it hurts. I'm disgusted with myself and want to lose weight. So much has happened in a year in 3 months. Perimenopause is no joke and i hope i get through it soon. Ugh
carmen_22574 Sochima822
Also I'm doing this natural no hrt.
Lotti1966 Sochima822
I haven't been on any medication and have been checked for everything. The drs say it's normal. Going to have to watch what you eat.
Hey y'all yes my thyroid is fine but what is the diff in perimenopause and menopause!!!!
I haven't had a period in over a year!!!!
Lotti1966 susan93110
If you've had no period for over a year you are in menopause. Peri is before that.
kelly55079 susan93110
Yes. I feel disgusting because of that. I'm starting to exercise more-- jogging/walking, elliptical. But then there are days that I don't feel like doing anything!! I'm also afraid that if I don't do something now then it could get out of control later.. I'm also trying to eat more protein with veggies/fruits.
r1982 susan93110
Hi, I'm 52 and and I am having the same problem. I have never been fat until now. I feel it's out of my control and don't know what to do. I was going to the gym for over a year doing high intensity interval training 3-4 days a week for 45 minutes. Also eating clean. Never could lose weight. Waste and stomach just keep getting bigger. I hate it. Quit going to the gym because I thought all that exercise was causing my muscle and joint pain. Still have muscle and joint pain so now I find out it can be due to this menopause phase. 1 week ago I decided to get my blood work done and now I'm trying bio identical hormone pellets placed in my hip. I hope that helps. If not I don't know what else to do. HELP!!!
Sochima822 susan93110
Okay, I loss my weight following a simple rule of fasting 3 day's a week for 16 hours. A popular doctor on the net calls it intermittent fasting, where you start your fast after your last meal. Say you finish dinner at 7 at pm, start your fast at 7pm to 7am is 12 hours add another 4hours to break the 16hour fast. Sometimes I go for 18 hrs fast, now you can eat at 12pm, eat a lunch but not overly excessive about 90% full. You can have coffee or tea or water anytime during the fast but no food. I did this 2-3 days a week and it worked without me going to the gym too. I loss more weight than what I had before my hormones went south on me. Also, no sugar and minimal fruit, none is best. No sweet drinks or alcohol and last cut out bread to 1 slice a week. I went from a size 14 to a size 8 in less than 6 months. My main source of protein was nuts, and seafood along with eggs. If you're interested look up Intermittent fasting Dr. M..... I can't say his name so I hope this helps.
susan93110 Sochima822
Thank you I'm goin to try it!!!!