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Has anyone experienced this...

During my cycle this month, heading into it and when I was going off of it, I experienced extreme fatigue. I also had a lot of gas and bloating. My stomach looked like I was heading into my fourth month of pregnancy. Thankfully it went back down after a couple of days into my cycle but I was so bloated that I didn't really want to eat. Ugh! Then I went to lie down because I feeling fatigued and woke up feeling worse than before I layed down; like I had been run over by a freight truck! When will all of this end?????!

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    DITTO wink you described it bob-on

    it's like having the very worst hangover, speaking of which I am afraid to drink alcohol because I think it exacerbates my peri-meno and irritates my bodies hormone probs (I think my bod has enough to deal with already)

    Hey ho  atleast there are people who understand what I'm going through

    Night hun xxxwink 

    • Posted

      For me caffeine or chocolate makes my symptoms worse. I need to modify my foods around this time to see what is an irritant and what isn't.
  • Posted

    shacerv, thats me too, at the moment because i havent come on my period this month yet i look like freight truck  never mind being run over by one and yes the gas and bloating. I'm not sure if i'm more fatigued during tis time asi seem to feel it all the time but some days i do have bursts of energy and thats when i have to take advantage and do more.  Thats the question when will this end, i dont know about you but i'm just at the begining of this life changing crap.  sending you love x
    • Posted

      me too, I just wonder how long it will last,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

      Keep taking vitamin supplements


  • Posted

    Yes I have been pretty religious about taking my vitamins and it seemed like it helped because I was feeling better for a while and then all of a sudden...wham! The symptoms are back. No fair, no fun!
  • Posted

    Hi - I also suffered from dreadful fatigue, I would need to lay down for a rest. I even used the sickbay for an hour at work. I started taking B6 150mg as advised from another lovely lady on this website. A couple of months on & the tiredness has gone, so amazing B6 works!

    I do get bloating & use wind-ezee from the chemist they work!

    Good luck! X

    Good luck! X

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