Posted , 5 users are following.
Any suggestions for fatigue every day I get fatigue I feel drained no energy.
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Posted , 5 users are following.
Any suggestions for fatigue every day I get fatigue I feel drained no energy.
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Trevis jacqueline06286
Hi there... all I can say is that it will pass sorry it’s not much help. I had this very bad and at the time it was debilitating.... if you are getting concerned then go get it checked out re doc. Stay strong and know that nothing stays the same 💖
jacqueline06286 Trevis
Trevis jacqueline06286
Several months... but I’m 10 years postmeno... 56 yrs old... very active. I’ve had every symptom and 10 years of misery including giving up work as it all became debilitating... the last 4 years have been better slowly. No tests as no confidence with our docs they are not interested and not knowledgeable. I read so many having bloods.. CT scans... MRI scans etc etc.... we are lucky to get an X-ray & you will only get that if you have a fall or an injury! Our NHS is a disaster!
tmpearce jacqueline06286
Hi Jacqueline, I suffered terribly with fatigue so badly that it took every ounce of my energy on some days just to complete normal daily tasks. I would have periods of several days with a crashing fatigue which pretty much kept me on the sofa all day. I didn’t even have the energy physically or emotionally to climb the stairs to the second floor of our home. I would describe it as not a normal fatigue and not being tired and wanting to sleep. It was more like a bone deep, full body physical and emotional exhaustion. On the days that weren’t the crashing fatigue I would try to do housework or go shopping. This would totally wipe me out for the whole next day.
I knew new that this was hormonal and even though I knew that there were days that I thought I just couldn’t go on like this much longer. Then, after seeing my doctor he decided to check my vitamin D levels. Mine was 19 and my doctor said it should be between 30-50. So I started on high dose supplement of 5,000iu per day for a month and then 2,000iu a day for two months then recheck. Well I finished my month of the 5,000iu and am in my second week of the 2,000iu and I have noticed a great improvement in my energy. I still have the odd day of that crashing fatigue but as for the other days, that bone weary muscle fatigue and exhaustion is almost gone! Vitamin D is a hormone and I think that when our hormones get out of whack in menopause our other hormones try to compensate and therefore can get depleted. Perhaps that’s why some women start having thyroid issues and the vit. d depletion.
Sorry for for the long post. I would suggest getting your Vit. D levels and thyroid levels checked. Low levels on these both cause fatigue.
Best of luck🙂
Yellow88 jacqueline06286
i too had really bad fatigue but since taking a fizzy vitamin B tab it really has helped. Hope it does for you too.
jacqueline06286 Yellow88
I have fatigue every day how long did you have fatigue
I also have hashimoto thyroid and perimenapause aches pains .