Fatigue and emotional

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I'm fatigue and tired every day in perimenapause and I'm feeling so emotional I live in south Florida and all the toys r us stores are closing I feel so sad and I feel like crying is this depression anxiety, I think back when my kids were little and we use to go every weekend to toys r us 

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4 Replies

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    Hi - I completely understand..the seemingly smallest things can trigger my sadness and crying..I had no idea why last year i took a turn towards depression and super  anxiety and after much reading online and this forum, I know it’s awful hormones..that alone has helped me feel better, knowing I’m not alone and not dying or going crazy..yet anyway!! I have been assured it’s pretty normal but it makes me so sad that I’m not the happy go lucky person I once was..all I can say is stay in touch on here, realize it’s normal and try to do little things to give yourself a break..your favorite tea or coffee, a magazine or book reading break, a walk..maybe that is what this (horrible, annoying, but apparently unavoidable) time in life is for...to have us take care of ourselves..Take care and know you’re not alone! 😊

  • Posted

    It's typically the wide swing of premenopausal hormones that cause these swings in your attitude.  Very similar to right after we give birth (remember those postpartum days?)

    None of this is easy, but I promise you'll be ok.  Just take good care of yourself, and if you feel like crying, DO IT.   


  • Posted

    Hi Jacqueline,

    I feel your pain.  Today is a day off from work, and I spent four hours of it sleeping.  Only after getting all teary because my husband was thoughtful enough to buy me a pair of fuzzy pink socks.  You see, even with the night sweats, my hands and feet are like popsicles. 

    I think Amy is right when she said that these are little reminders to take care of ourselves during this time.  I don't know about you, but the past 30 years have been about others and I kind of dropped the ball on me. 

    • Posted

      Hi karen, 

      Ever since I started perimenapause a few months ago or maybe even last year I haven't been the same as of October I started getting fatigue dizzy, the muscle in my arms and legs are hurting on and off I have no energy my vision is changing I have no interest for anything don't even wear make up any more,I'm 51 and feel like I'm 90

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