Fatigue, dizzy, nacious
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Hi everyone,
Does anyone get fatigue, dizzy, nacious in the morning
I get this in the morning and after a while towards the afternoon it starts to go away I'm in perimenapause and I also have thyroid issues never had these symptoms before until I started perimenapause, if anyone is experiencing these symptoms please share,also get jaw pain on my right side with ear and head pain went to the dentist he did ct scan he doesn't see anything except that I have to do a root canal on my left side by this right of my mouth pain comes and goes it's really weird
If any has or is experiencing these symptoms can you please share.
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anetta94863 jacqueline06286
Eliaimee1970 jacqueline06286
marcia_27799 jacqueline06286
I had the same symptoms for a while and still having them in a minor level. I haven't had a period for almost a year and those where my symptoms before I started feeling horrible ended up being my thyroid I went from hypothyroidism to hyperthyroid, I saw several doctors and they insisted that my thyroid was ok and I didn't needed a complete hormone panel. I insisted and found a doctor who listened i am feeling much great now. Look for differents opinions.
jacqueline06286 marcia_27799
For how long did you have your symptoms and how did you get better
This fatigue and dizzy is driving me crazy every day especially during the day.
Was your in the morning afternoon or all day please let me know
marcia_27799 jacqueline06286
I was in a really bad place for like 6 months, trying different doctor because I was extremely anxious all the time and with panic attacks but I knew that wasn't me. I know myself and I have not been depressed or down before in my life I always found the way to keep it together but those months were really bad. At first I blamed menopause but I discovered lately that my thyroid went wild and doctors were not listening they all try to pump me with antidepressants. I just kept looking for help until I found a woman doctor who listened and did all the test that I asked. I don't have a perfect formula I still working on it. But I am much much much better a lot of breathing, b stress complex every morning, vitamins b12 mid afternoon and walks i am always trying to eat healthy and I cut alcohol and caffeine. I take my synthroid 50 in the morning and metropolol 25 in the night but I am still working on the metropolol thing this is sooo new for me.
jacqueline06286 marcia_27799
do you have hashimoto
marcia_27799 jacqueline06286
I had for several years, now went to graves and these days I don't really know 😂 Just trying one day at the time
jacqueline06286 marcia_27799
Did you loose weight, or ate you gaining, I've heard that you can have both I'm not sure about that but the doctor said I have hashimoto but I've lost weight and I force myself to eat
I'm going to see my endocrinologist next month we will see
anetta94863 marcia_27799
jacqueline06286 anetta94863
Is that supposed to give you fatigue tired also are you in perimenapause
marcia_27799 jacqueline06286
marcia_27799 anetta94863
jacqueline06286 marcia_27799
marcia_27799 jacqueline06286
anetta94863 jacqueline06286
marcia_27799 anetta94863