Fear and panic

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Hello lovely ladies, the panic and anxiety has been so bad today and have been awake basically all night and all day and can't seem to calm down. Was wondering about diazepam for when I get like this. Has anyone tried it and does it help without becoming a zombie, just need to calm down when I get like this ? xx

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15 Replies

  • Posted


    It might make you drowsy but if your in a full blown anxiety attack it should calm you down I would say within an hour I know I do a lot of self talk in my head but when it gets too bad I take a Xanax I hope that helps hope you feel better

    • Posted

      Thank you, I don't mind being drowsy if it calms me down - would you know the difference between Xanax and diazepam ? I need to go to the doctor if I can as I really can't carry on this way. Health anxiety stops me going but the way I feel right now it couldn't be any worse x
    • Posted


      Your pill is Valium it's in the same class as Xanax and also Ativan it will definitely calm you down and may not make you drowsy I have taken it when I'm full blown anxiety and I'm fine it really works to calm you down! I hope that helps this perimenpause is sooooo annoying omg I'm 47 have been dealing with the different symptoms for about five years this last year symptoms at times intensify ughhh I hope for this nightmare to be over soon

    • Posted

      Thank you very much that really helps. I'll make an appointment asap - poor you suffering aswell and yes this damm meno brings new symptoms all the time that just raises anxiety more and more. I'm two and a half years into surgical menopause and it's no easy ride and yes I agree Uugghh x
  • Posted


    Chamomille tea is a natural herbal tea that is very good for anxiety. It has a natural calming effect. My husband even drinks it and I've turned people at work on to it. Give it a try, its not a drug which I try to avoid because they really aren't good for you.


    • Posted

      Thank you Nancy, I'll get some. It's such a trial isn't it x
  • Posted

    I would speak to your doctor.  Diazepam is ok if you need it for sudden anxiety attacks.  You may be prescibed an SSI.  I have had that prescribed for driving at night 3-12 or bad anxiety situations, but not to take everyday.  I don't rely on those anymore but take 5 HtP
    • Posted

      hi francine and thank you for that, I take on board your help. GP did give me Sertraline a while back but it was hell and had to stop and never going back there again ! .....ive heard about 5HTP and may look into that but right now need a quick fix so to speak as anxiety attacks are too much to deal with. Thank you again x
    • Posted

      Hi Lou,

      Quick fix?  Try valerian root capsules or tincture.  Art night drink chamomile.  ou can get the 5HTP and this too on amazon.  Sleepytime tea has a valerian root tea use at night.

    • Posted

      Thanks that's a great help - I'll definatley do that. Very helpful x
  • Posted

    Oh my goodness i know what you mean. Had a panic attack while trying to cook dinner for friends and felt horrible. I was just prescirbed Xanax .25 and ran upstairs and took 1/2 pill to get thorough the evening. I had never wanted to take anything but I was desperate. It works wonders. I am grateful the Doctor gave it to me. I have only taken it twice but it works when you are in that awful state.    Hang in there, i am right there with ya.  Heidi
    • Posted

      Hello Heidi. Sorry you have problems aswell it's so horrible and makes us very fearful - if there is something to help take that fear away then it has to be a good thing , why suffer. Look after yourself x
  • Posted

    Hi lou,

    Yes I have used diazepam, it is better than temazepam in that it only works for 4 hours. So it gets you to sleep and hopefully once asleep you don't wake again. By the time you wake up the effects have worn off.

    temazepam, on the other hand is 8 hours so you wake up feeling hungover and it takes a while to get going.

    • Posted

      Thank you very much for reply and the information. I have an appointment next week so will bear the difference in mind. Thanks for that it helps me a lot. Hope yours ok x
  • Posted

    Hi Lou, just wondering if the GP prescribed you the diazepam. Some GPs are cautious as it can be addictive but stand your ground as in my experience it is the ONLY drug to help you if you are having panic attacks or very high anxiety that's keeping you awake or causing you physical symptoms. You know when anxiety becomes unbearable and it sounds like you are at that point. I'm 50 and have been using diazepam off and on for the last 18 months for extreme anxiety. It's been a lifeline for me. I have the 2mg tabs. Sometimes just half a tab is enough to calm me down and get me to sleep. I make sure I don't take them every day so as not to get addicted, sometimes they will stay in the cupboard for weeks. There's nothing worse than extreme anxiety and this drug can give you a breathing space from that awful feeling. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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