Fear of normal things, please help...

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Hi , I've posted a few things over the last 2weeks nearly. Trying to figure out all these wiered feelings, emotions, sensations, thoughts worrying if I'm going mad, and is it the perimenopause...?? Everyone has been so lovely and supportive, and it is helping just knowing other women are experiencing the same problems or similar.

But another of my weird and wonderfully horrible symptoms is I seem to be scared of most things, it sounds weird I know, but it's like all of a sudden things that wouldn't even enter my head, or you would just do so without thinking because it's just a normal part of your day, routine etc... All of a sudden becomes frightening to do, feel a nervousness or apprehension about doing something. And your mind jumps to thinking all kinds of weird and wonderful scenarios that might happen if you do it. Sounds redicolous I know and irrational, but it's like your mind runs away again with you and you just think something terrible will happen. Or just fearing been on your own, I'm scared to take the dogs out at dark because I'm convinced something horrible will happen or someone is lurking in the bushes. I even see my shadow and that freaks me out and scares me, and then I'm analysing why this is happening to me...

Does anyone else have this, is this a possibility its hormone imbalance to??

As its terrifying me along with all the other symptoms. Or when I go to bed ill be thinking theres a creepy gost, or any noise and my hearts in my mouth and adrenalin pumping through my veins. I feel like a 2yr old again, its redicolous and don't understand what it happening... πŸ€”πŸ˜•πŸ˜­

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    hi Rachael, it's pretty normal for the menopause! i was exactly like that. 3 years on im much improved, tho having trouble sleeping or at least getting to sleep. its your drop in estrogen causing the anxiety and apprehension. have you seen a doctor about it? help can be given, things do get better πŸ˜ƒ

    • Posted

      Hi, thank you for the reply.

      It's hard to believe isn't it, knowing that it's hormones that can cause so much pain, upset and emotional turmoil with all the weird symptoms.

      Just pray it will get better soon also... πŸ™πŸ˜Š

      Big hugs xx

    • Posted

      thanks rachael, yes it's horrendous. I swapped my anti anxiety meds from 100 mg sertraline to 25 mg prozac, which is not enough now i am working again. thinking of going back on sertraline...i put on weight on it but at least it stopped the anxiety! 3 yrs post meno and still need meds. is anyone else in this position so long after meno? also im a chronic migraine sufferer, they stopped on sertraline, another reason why i think i may go back on it.

  • Posted

    hi rachael!!! yes yes yes yes!!!!!! everything you just wrote i feel the exact same way!!!!!!!


  • Posted

    IT IS VERY HARD! i cant even go to the grocery store sometimes. i just avoid everything. i never have any travel going to work it’s just everywhere else. So frustrating.

  • Posted

    Rachel, I've experienced all what you just said. It's the drop in estrogen like the others have said. It will get better with time but while you are in it it is very scary. Keep on this forum. It will help you tremendously hearing other's stories. Ger plenty of rest, eat well, limit your alcohol, exercise and keep busy with friends, family and your hobbies. Hang on tight! Sending a big air hug!

    • Posted

      Hi, thank you for your message and support. It definitely helps talking to everyone and hearing from real women who have experienced the same. And come out the other side or getting better.

      Big hugs xx

  • Posted

    Ive been living this for a good yr and a half now.

    It's worse with some women. Our brains are rewiring and it's not a party I ever expected to attend in my lifetime as I basically had it together into my fiftyish yrs.

    Dint feel alone, it's crazy making, but you will slowly get through it.


    • Posted

      Thank you for your message and support. It all helps hearing all of your stories. πŸ‘πŸ˜Šβ€οΈ Thank you so much for your support xx

    • Posted

      You are welcome

      There is amazing support here on this forum.

      Just pure love and support

      We will move onward, and get through.

      your never aloneπŸ’™

  • Posted

    Hey honey, I can totally relate to everything you are saying. Firstly, no way are you ridiculous! You cannot help what you are thinking. You can't control it, if you could, you would choose, not to think that way. It's scary feeling scared isn't it? But the trick is to not fear what you're thinking. Easier said then done. I have irrational fears and to put it bluntly I fear one of my loved ones, might die, and how I just "couldn't" cope with that. Even, the language I'm using here is very "telling" I write that I couldn't cope that that. Almost, as though, my mind is already made or! So, I analyse that and conclude, I'm thinking that way since the menopause. This is definitely the menopause honey. A hormonal imbalance directly affects your mood. That's why you feel so fearful. You're not alone hun. Message me anytime and privately or if you prefer. Donna xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Donna, thank you for the reply. Its good to knows other and yourself are experiencing this also. It is very scary, like you were explaining the fact that your talking like you are, and analysing your thoughts and feelings then scares you more. I also have that fear about loosing someone close and not been able to cope. But I have already lost the love of my life 4years ago. And felt like I couldn't go on, I was torn to pieces, my life literally fell apart around me. But somehow I clawed my way back. I know I'll never be the same, but I started to live again and enjoy somethings, but it is really hard to move forward. You also feel guilty that they can't enjoy anymore and you are. But I came to the conclusion that I don't have a choice. I'm still here and he had to go and that decision was taken away from us. But I had to carry on for my daughter also. But I to have a massive fear of loosing anyone close to me... And also I have developed a fear of feeling like this forever, terrified will i ever feel normal again, will I always be in this much turmoil mentally with all this anxiety, terrifying panic attacks, derealization, fear and scary thoughts, as its so hard to deal with and exhausting. That I feel scared and developed a fear of not been able to cope with it either. And then get scary thoughts of would you ever do anything if you couldn't cope. This then terrifies holy crap out of me then I'm having an anxiety, panic attack that I might get so low or depressed feeling like this I would do something silly. God only knows I wouldn't and hate the thought, and would never want to do that, but it terrifies me the thoughts again, because they pop in my head, then that disturbs you and gets the whole fear thing going again. So I totally understand how you feel to... ❀️

      Let's just pray we all make it in one piece and come out the other side...

      Sending you healing hugs xxxx

      And thank you again for your support xx

    • Posted

      Hey hun, thank you so much for your reply. You are amazingly courageous! To battle everything you described is bloody hard work! I have to agree, that it's psychologically draining. It's exhausting, both physically and mentally! Everyday is a test of endurance. And then you're dreading the next time it'll happen. again. You are on high alert. So much so that even the sound of the front door knocking, can render you hopeless and helpless. A nervous, gibbering wreck!!! Rachel, I'm so sorry you lost the love of your life. That's really sad. How does one cope with that? That must be the toughest thing ever! You have endured so much, and with that must have much pain and suffering. Unfortunately, us humans have sad experiences like yours that we have to try our best to cope, but the grief is so hard to handle. We don't have an instruction manual telling us how to deal with the grief, and so in your case, it is manifesting itself in the way you describe. No manual, and so, you are left to your own devices. You are left to just get on with things. You see other people, and you think how can they be walking around like "normal?"like nothing bad as happened. And you feel like screaming 😱. I've lost my partner, my life doesent feel normal!!! Swipe that smile off your faces!!! My life is falling apart! you are totally doing the right thing. Reaching out to people. Asking for help, accepting help. Surround yourself with people who care and love you deeply. I don't think you would harm yourself honey, your love for your daughter is stronger and will prevail. I know you don't feel strong, right now. But, you're stronger than you think Rachael. You've got this far, and as time passes you will go further and further into your future. You're here to stay honey! Brilliant! Sending you big hugs, Donna xxx

  • Posted

    Hi sweetheart

    I will keep this short

    Yes its very normal.

    This happened to me at the start of my peri.

    I had a breakdown i thought i was losing my mind.

    I had a 10 year peri hell.

    Finding this site all those years ago saved my sanity.

    Im now post meno by 2 years.

    It hasnt got any better yet but

    I believe when you start to realise it is hormones and you are not crazy you start to cope a little better.

    I analysed everything


    Exactly as you describe i felt like a 2 year old.

    Ive learned over the years to cope better

    But i still get days where i still question it is hormones.

    I think in the peri stage when you are still getting periods doctors add fuel to the fire by telling you its not hormones or your too young!!!

    I was 40 at the start of peri.

    Im 51 now.

    Im a mother of 5 a wife a grandmother of 3 and work part time.

    At my worst i quit working couldnt get out of bed.

    I am not on meds chose to tough it out.

    It is the hardest thing i have ever been through in my life.

    Stay on this site the ladies will pull you through xxx

    • Posted

      Just realised that wasnt short lol x

    • Posted

      Thank you for your message, doesn't matter if its long or short lol πŸ˜‚ anything helps at the moment, Reading other women's accounts of their experiences.

      So thank you for your message.

      Big hugs and hope you feel better soon also. Xx

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