Fearing Life
Posted , 6 users are following.
From what i gather fast heart rate is part of menopause, do we like it no. It scares me my levels were at zero i have a long way to go. I do think my hormone level trying to come up is kinda shocking my body, i wish i knew it was so low i would have started sooner. Now i have to feel the effects of my body trying to consume my hrt. Trying to stop smokeing on top of this is even more stressful, but i can only do 1 day at a time. Gl all here if need to talk.
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sara97862 helen79040
Hi Helen,
Way to go on deciding to quit smoking!!
I totally understand the title of your post... fearing life here too. I'm on very low dose of hrt, and the first week was rough. Then I had a really good run of about 90 days. I feel a little low the past week or so, and will just have to see where that leads me I guess. Trying to take it as it comes... I should know by now there's no predicting it.
Best of luck with everything! Here if you need a chat.
helen79040 sara97862
Tyvm Sara , i think the worse part are the constant heart palpatations and anxiety. Every one tells me to work on getting my hormone levels up and stop stressing over smokeing try to cut back a little at a time, but we all know worry is a big part of menopause.Ty again
pamela2016 helen79040
i smoke and find lately i cant two a day if that heart races big time in the mornings after smoking and makes all my symptoms worse it seems lately
helen79040 pamela2016
Yes thats how i get Pamela, but when stressed first thing i want is a smoke its a hard battle tyvm .
pamela2016 helen79040
yes it is i know how you feel hang in there hugs to you
Ziggy83 helen79040
oh gosh, same here ! I stopped smoking 3 months ago and I'm getting there with the help of nicotine gum but I'm barely coping with the anxiety and agitation.