Feel awful !!!!
Posted , 11 users are following.
Hi all you lovely ladies I have a question for you all.
How do you all feel 2 weeks prior to your period whether your period comes or not?
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Posted , 11 users are following.
Hi all you lovely ladies I have a question for you all.
How do you all feel 2 weeks prior to your period whether your period comes or not?
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laurie19311 bev66
Hello! I still get my periods (I am 46), but they are all over the place. 15 days, 31 days, 21 days. etc. I can tell you this though, I feel AWFUL most of the month. I feel like I am constantly having pms. I am emotional, exhausted, bloated, cramps, sinus issues, head pressure, vertigo, hot and then cold, achy, anxiety ridden, pins and needles, and the list goes on. The hormones have gone out of control! Lol!
mel65197 laurie19311
This is me! Just turned 47, periods totally unpredictable. I have been on bio-identical progesterone cream for the last month and I hesitate to say this, but think it might be helping just a little. You might check it out if you haven't tried it yet.
laurie19311 mel65197
I will look into that! Thank you! I would do just about anything to feel better 😃
karen71465 bev66
I feel total crap ...said to my husband it's when my body tries to release a egg that I don't have because i have been in menopause nearly 2 years but my body still thinks I have eggs it's horrible I get panic heat feel very sad and low then on about 4th day it lifts
kelly55079 bev66
Yes.. About a week before it's awful... anger/rage, I'm hungry all the time, anxiety, etc... when my periods comes I have terrible cramps and low back pain.. I'm very tired as well. During this time I don't plan anything, it's just best to stay home.
rayana72367 bev66
I'm 48 periods are getting further and further apart between 70 and 90 days, but i find after Im finished my emotions are all over the place anxiety kicks in, overthinking, depression, I try and walk as this helps my mental health .
staci88515 bev66
The week before is awful. For me, that is when the anxiety/panic really kicks in.