Feel crapy and tired

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I don't know what to do anymore doctors in the E.R. won't admit me for my stomach issues. Can't even keep food in me 

had a bad argument with boyfriend, wish he would understand more about my stomach issues. 

I have been crying and just not myself just want my stomach to handle food again. 

I don't know if it is my medications like my levothyroxine, or my metformin, or my zoloft i take in the morning or my ativan, or my trazodone or my vit d3 or my multivit or my losartan 

Just want it to stop feel like i have the flu just want off all these medications but they do not undersytand no one does 

My stomach feel in knots just not there feel empty weak and tired 

feel like puting myself in the hospital to get off these medicationssad

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    So sorry Sue,

                            the peri-meno and Menopause have an awful effect, I get bad tempered, cry over nothing and feel like I've got flu too. At certain times of the month (and quite frankly I just don't know when this is going to happen anymore) I find I can't cope at all.  I don't ER is the place to go though, you really need a good gynaecologist, Good Luck hun,

    I know it doesn't help that much but I know how you feel,

                                            Mrs M XXX

  • Posted

    Aww bless you, i can totally understand how you feel, although im not on lots of medication, only vitamins. I think it could be all the medication you are on. Have you checked on the side effects of you tablets, sometimes it will tell you not to take some with others or leave time between taking them. Can you go to your GP to ask these questions.Have your tried probiotics like acidophilis.

    Take care you will get there eventually.xxx

    • Posted

      Yes I have tried probiotics but it does not help This is the worst its been 

      Not wanting to eat just want to stop my medications just at ends wit here. 

  • Posted

    Hi Susan

    i really do feel for you I had a terrible time with my stomach last year, I spent 5 months going to docs and A&E with terrible stomach pains, I couldn't eat anything either, in the end my husband paid for me to go to Bupa and I finally got to the bottom of it, I had H Polyri and since I have had the antibiotics it as all settled down, it was a relief to get answers, for 5 months I felt nobody believed me, the docs and A&E, I'm sure they thought I was putting it on, so I feel for you massively, I spent every day in tears, I hope you do get to the bottom of it and get it all sorted out, massive hug, a Sue xx

    • Posted

      May I ask what is H Polyri and does that give a person stomach problems 

      Please send me something to where I can look it up maybe it will help the doctors

    • Posted

      Hi Susan

      All doctors know about it, it is actually quite common, it is a bacteria in your stomach, some people don't have symptoms and other do, you have to be on two lots of very strong antibiotics as well as taking omesprazole twice a day for one week, they check by way of a stool sample or a breathe test. If you put it in on Google it tells you all about it, like I say the doctors told me it is very common. I was just so relieved that I finally had a answer, it is definately worth them checking, Sue xx

    • Posted

      What do I google and what kind of bacteria my doctor checked my stools about two months ago no infection in it write and tell me what kind of bacteria it is and I will google it and look it up
    • Posted

      Hi Susan

      its Called H Polyri, that's all you google, when they send the stool off they ask for this to be checked, I had had stool tests before but that was for something else, you may not have it, but you sounded similar to how I was feeling. In the Google search engine just put H POLYRI and it comes up. Sue xx

    • Posted

      I don't think I have H Polyri I have had my stools checked for all kinds of infections nothing I have had a breath test about a year or two ago from a GI doctor and nothing came up then. 

      I will talk to the new GI doctor on the 10th of April to see what he thinks about this I am down to 195pounds i have had no blood in my stoool 

      It could just be IBS but I will talk to the doctor about this 


  • Posted

    Hi Susan,

    Sorry you are feeling so unwell and exhausted. There is nothing like digestive problems to make you gmfeel low. But don't feel alone - we are here to empathise. I can relate to your desperation after months of digestive problems and the worry of it makes the stomach even worse, it's a vicious circle.

    Try to rest, sleep is a great healer if you can get it. Drink lots of water and try to be kind to yourself. Don't stress any more about your partner for now, put your own needs first.

    This is a really hard time for you but try to visualise yourself well, at a happier, healthier point in the future. You will be happy and healthy again. Lots of love and hugs, Ruthie x

    • Posted

      Thanks Ruthie for the kind coment You take care of yourself too.
  • Posted

    Hi Susan, 

    Sorry to hear you unwell. I've had same knotty feeling in my chest and stomac in last year. This was awful feeling, went to hospital for help several times, couldn't eat, no apptetie either. I tried valerinae/ herbal remedy which help me to calm down and reduce the knotty feeling. I beielve this is part of on going anxiety... I have to admit this is truly exosting 

    • Posted

      These hospitals don't care. My stomach hurts can't eat anything at all and they just send you home feeling like crap. 

      I'm tired of this just feel like not taking my medications 

    • Posted

      Hi Susan,

      Sorry you are still feeling bad. Don't stop your meds suddenly or you could have withdrawal effects. Are you going back to your doctor to get the thyroid checked and discuss your other meds - maybe they could reduce your AD dose?

      Can you stomach warm drinks or soups? Don't get dehydrated. Keep us updated. You will get through this x

    • Posted

      Yes I am going to talk to my doctor on Monday about my thyroid to see what that is but she did say I can stop the metformin for a while 

      I am down to 199 I walk to but a lot has to do wiith my stomach issues. 

    • Posted

      Hi Susan,

      I hope you're feeling a bit better today? I've lost weight too in the last six months and when my stomach is really bad it drops off me and makes my anxiety go through the roof. I am desperately trying to eat to gain the weight but the food just seems to go through me and causes pain.

      One thing I've been having investigated recently is pancreatic insufficiency - when the pancreas doesn't release enough enzymes to digest food. This can cause a lot of pain, indigestion, weight loss and diarrhoea. You can have a stool test which tests teh level of enzymes. Do you have more upper or lower abdominal pain? Pancreatic problems usually cause more upper pain. I've come back clear so far but my doctor says it's possible I've had a virus that's affected the pancreas and, if so, this can take months to settle down. Who knows?!

      I was checked for HPylori which was clear but I've also heard of generalised bacterial overgrowth in the gut which can cause all kinds of problems so I am going to ask about this as well. Sometimes I wonder if a course of antibiotics would clear whatever is in there?!

      Also, have you been checked for coeliac disease? I was diagnosed with coeliac 20 years ago (and adhere to a strict gluten free diet as a result). Undiagnosed coeliac will give you most if not all of your symptoms. I was quite ill when first diagnosed with terriible (lower) abdominal cramps, weight loss, diarrhoea and anaemia. The gluten free diet made me well within about a year. It hasn't caused me any problems since (as long as I stay gluten-free). I've had that re-checked recently in case it has anythign to do with my current problems but the doctor says it looks fine inside so my problems don't seem to be due to that right now. You can have a blood test for coeliac. It's worth checking if you haven't already had it done.

      Onward and upward! Ruthie x

    • Posted

      I see the GI doctor on April 10th I will talk to him usally my pain is on my left side down not up and just the nausea diarrhea its not watery but its just soft and comes out fast, and then the leakage of stool 

      It has caused me a lot of anxieties myself I am down to a 195pounds from a 204 have been doing a lot of walking but I just can't eat a lot like cheese I have to stay away from, tomatoes I have to stay away from hummus, bell peppers and all dairy products 

      I have to eat bland foods 

      I am feeling a little better

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