Feel like a walking pharmacy

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Ugh. I've never been a huge medicine taker and man, has that been flipped upside down. I know a lot of this is due to perimenopause symptoms, but man, it makes me feel like I'm 84, not 44. I am currently taking:

2 meds for my high blood pressure (which I've always had and was always well-controlled with one med, but it's been really high lately so doc added a second)

Zyrtec and using an inhaler for seasonal allergies

newly started on a low dose of Lexapro for my anxiety

taking half an Ativan as necessary to sleep (since the Lexapro can mess with sleep, on top of the perimenopause insomnia I suffer from - fun times)

and now my silent reflux is acting up, so throw in a Zantac at night

I hate it all and just want to feel better!

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    i hear ya. I feel the same. No energy and with not sleeping i feel like im 80

  • Posted

    im 42 and also think ive started perimenopause. lots if symptoms have started around period maybe 6 months ago, when i started to make the connection and then one screwed up cycle out of nowhere for the first time. i also have reflux but thats when i eat badly and ibs. Taking ativan now following a huge panic attack that landed me in the er last week.. due mostly to dizzy spells that terrify me. WAS two days after period actually. idk whats going on but its not easy. good luck to you.

    what symptoms do you have?

  • Posted

    hi Tebrown - i totally get what you are talking about, i started on the high blood pressure journey 6 years ago, then got put on a second drug two years later, got put on a drug for reflux, allergy/asthma symptoms kicked in big time, now my rosacea & ocular rosacea are so out of control, i am on a daily antibiotic. i have a Rx for ativan & xanax, but dont take it, just have for emergencies.

    i weaned myself off of the first B/P Rx, because it was so toxic to me, i had so many side effects, my B/P Isnt ideal, but i am supplementing with magnesium & beetroot & trying to lose weight, change my diet etc. As for the reflux Rx, i would suggest you read up on the controversy about these Rx...actually, what your body needs are foods like sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt, all fermented foods rather than limiting acid to break down food. i also chew papaya enzymes after meals. My allergy dr said that she does see an increase in woman during hormonal changes like pregnancy & peri/menopause so their must be some correlation to hormones shifting & allergy/asthma issues.

    i am not on an antidepressant, although it has been offered to me several times - i am trying to let my body guide me through this process & not fight it so much like i have in the past. i am not suggesting you stop your medications, but i do know that with every Rx we take, there can be many side effects & pretty soon, you dont know if its the side effect from peri/menopause or the side effect from the drug you take. This journey has not been easy for me, i have pretty much had all 66 symptoms, but i also know, i have not taken care of my body in the past, i never learned how to prioritize putting me first & i suck at coping with stress & i have had tons of that the last 10 years - so our bodies let us know - i am just trying to suggest that maybe making some changes, might start helping you feel a bit better. It isnt fun & i feel like drs just throw Rx's at us, they treat the symptoms, not the problem. i wish you well -

  • Posted

    I know what you mean! I used to go to the dr once a year. Now, every time I go I get a different pill suggestion. Just had to come off birth control pills 2 weeks ago...I get migraines and dizziness since peri and it made them worse! I was on amitripyline for the migraines, but it makes my heart race. Now got switched to norotriptyline . I was on lexapro for 3 months. I hope it brings you some relief! So sick of hearing..." let's try this".

  • Posted

    I hear ya, my medicine cabinet is running out of room

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