Feel like crap tonight!! anyone wanna chat?

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Have my lil grandson here,  he is a joy but i have zero energy off and on today.  This symptom is scary to me.  why does this wax and wane like this?  Anyone feel slightly  nauseous more like a nervous stomach?  gurgles constantly!  gassy and just almost flu like diarrhea i had to take immodium for few days ago.  I am almost menopausal shyof just few mo.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Shawna, me too I have my lil grandsons tonite as well had them all day, my oldest is 8 and youngest is 2, feeling draggy myself tired and sluggish you know crappy , but at least I don't have my gawd awful migraine tonight, and we just laying around playing games watching movies, and snacking... I really wish I had the energy to take them to a movie or carnival or something like that.. But I know they are still having fun tonight! Hope and pray for better days ahead...???

    • Posted

      arent they precious!  i feel better when they’re around mentally but  not physically .  i hope its just hormones,  im so sick  of worrying.  im so close to my 12 mo  if i have another period im gonna be so upset  lol i hope anyone who has reached meno has any good advice it get lil better and when??
    • Posted

      sounds like you guys had a fun night! I have 2 grandsons...11 n 8, and I try to do as much as possible with them during summer months because I teach during the rest of the year. I sometimes wish for a rainy day so I can convince them to build a fort with me and watch movies!! But, alas, whatever they ask I try to comply...low energy be damned!
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      Yesss, Shawna!! I totally agree with you and understand what you mean when you say they make you feel better mentally!!
    • Posted

      Hi Katy, yes had fun definitely do try and make the best out of staying home and like I said I really wish I could take them somewhere fun but we do still have fun being home... Having the summer off must feel fantastic!! My sister works at the local high school and gets her summers off too , and always looks forward to it.. I don't know how you guys do it I use to feel so strong and independent but this menopause has me feeling crappy and with all the symptoms I just stay home... Waiting for better days lol .. I read today the average for menopause with peri symptoms is 5 years 3 of them being Peri and then when periods stop and your actually menopausal its another 2 years into menopause on average and doesn't matter how many periods you skip and then start again cause even though you've crossed over symptoms will still be there then slowly taper off... For me I had the hysterectomy with ovaries left so no idea where I'm at in my journey just have to go by the ole symptoms so when I'm feeling better I guess I'm through.. Hope your enjoying your summer off Katy!!! Here's to better days ahead ????

  • Posted

    Sorry that you're feeling ill but I think this periomenopause has a lot of ups and downs to it. I'm 53 and I have anxiety too .. have been nauseous before but not a lot. So far every day feels emotionally taxing but I'm afraid that these hormonal fluctuations are considered normal. I don't like any of this and I'm only my third month of no menses.

  • Posted

    Yes doesn’t matter who you are around when you feel ‘off’ I take a b6 b12 combo and boy has it saved my life ! I had to go out tonight and at 2pm I was fainting I took a pill and made it out . 
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      were you deficientin b12?  could i take i wonder and be ok    i need energy badly
    • Posted

      Yes I was low on salt and b12 . It really works and gives me lots of energy. Well they give b12 shots all the time so I don’t think it would hurt . 
  • Posted

    I know the feeling!! I was feeling the same way earlier .. I took two Tylenol and fixed me a warm cup of tea , feeling better now.

    Hope you feel better so you can enjoy those grand babies.

  • Posted

    Hi there.. I've just had a week of this... It comes and goes and even when asleep my tummy gurgling and first thing in the morning with neasua.. I also suffer with awful tummy wind... It's part of the course.. An irritable bowel... Hang tight. You are not alone and hope you feel better soon. CK

    • Posted

      Hi Carol-  Its horrible that i feel better hearing others feel bad too!..sad   but it gives me some relief.   thanks a bunch to everyone who replies.  ifeel like a worthless rag this week.   Hope you feel better as well.  I started a probiotic gummy my boss swears helps a ton.  Digestive advantage.  I have ibs i think all my life from nervous tummy
    • Posted

      Try ‘ okra pepscin’ it’s amazzzzing for stomach digestive issues ! Takes a while to work but once it does you’re cured!!! 

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