Feel like crap when you wake up?
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anybody?hell, i might as well start drinking again. lol... if i'm going to feel like I have a hangover every morning, i might as well have fun the night before!!! sweet baby Jesus, save me!!
hugs to you all ❤ just had to get that off my chest 😃
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Guest pam90720
Hi Pam! OMG! This morning my head is thumping! Slept weird and my neck is cricked... I flipped out screaming too as I woke up to a sink load of dishes and a mess that my lovely family leaves for me! I think it is the cold weather and we have the heat on, so it gets dry. I need to put on my humidifier with eucalyptus at night and get some nasal spray. Been getting these little dull tension headaches the last couple of days... better than the migraines! I am a week in on BCP, could be my body adjusting too. Also, very low dose of amitriptyline for migraines...that I was supposed to have increased. Yes, I agree...why not just drink...captain and diet for me please! 😃
kelly55079 pam90720
I was just googling why do I wake up tired. Today is awful and can't seem to get going-- I do feel exhausted.. It's cold and damp AND my kitchen is a mess too. IDK it's frustrating trying to figure it out-- I'm sure it's hormones. Yesterday I did do a bunch of errands which felt good to get off my list BUT still no reason to feel like a slug today. Even spouse mentioned that I'm in bed too much which bothers me because he has no idea what my body is going thru.
tawana68 pam90720
amen ! you took the words right out of my mouth. thats been exactly how i have been feeling the last two days and thpught , what the hell ! haha.
last month i didnt get a period again so i know i am getting closer to menopause. ill be 50 this month and i pray all the time for the anxiety, insomnia, bodyaches, hot flashes, moods, ear ringing, mid section weight gain, sex drive , vaginal dryness, constipation, fatigue, etc, ,etc,etc,etc,etc, etc, . to all get under control and allow me to feel normal again . lord help us all . i do know it all will get better but i hope its very soon cause this has totally sucked all these years.
pam90720 tawana68
yes tawana!!! i have ALL those and im in meno!!!!!:-( plus add the freakin eye floaters!!!!!!argh!!!!
im with yall too about waking up to a mess in the kitchen from night before... too tired to mess with it at night... but stresses me out to wake up to it...,makes my headspin..
debra16694 pam90720
oh my, i am so happy to read these messages...i literally spent two days in bed - had such extreme burning in my body for two nights which leaves me so exhausted from broken sleep. Now my rosacea has kicked in big time from the burning flushing & now i have been battling a migraine. in addition, i have ocular rosacea, so my vision is off from either the sandpaper feel in my eyes or the impending migraine. i am nauseous and hungry at the same time and after being MiA in my bedroom for two days i just walked into a hurricaine in the kitchen!!! i guess theres a reason for not having loaded guns in the home! HAH! i pretty much went BAT S--T CRAZY! On top of all that i feel like the tin man with no oil can - i just want to cry & i think i will - when is this roller coaster going to stop? i want to get off!!!
tawana68 pam90720
oh yes pam , i forgot about those pesty eye floaters . i have a few of them myself as well. lord help us all . cause i know its just a phase , and well get through it:-)
evi75119 pam90720
I just returned home after a surgery to remove an endometriosis cyst.
I know my hormones are totally imbalanced before surgery.
I am living a torture for the last 2,5 years
I beg God take me with him.
I am also praying the surgery will not deteriorate my hormonal hell.\Hugs to everyone have awful unbearable estrogen deficiency symptoms.
It is hellish
katyD211 pam90720
Pamela that is apt description! I feel like I wake up with a hangover most mornings...I am just glad that I am still waking up.
juanita93228 katyD211
Me too(waking up that is).
Zenmomma pam90720
Yep! I have described it as feeling like someone filled my body with lead and my brain with cotton. It seems impossible to get anything done that requires physical or mental energy.